Maranatha Media

Mayan (Ma'ayan) Hebrew for Water Spring

Posted Sep 29, 2010 by Adrian Ebens in Testimonies and Stories
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Dear friends

I just have to share a wonderful experience that speaks of the Father’s providence.

I have just come back inside after meeting the daughter of the former owner of the land of the housing estate we live in.

The mother told us about aspects of the housing development and how it grew. She had her two daughters with her and they were weeding the property next door which they owned as an investment. Her younger daughter piped up “this street is named after me” pronounced May- aan. I said I was honoured to meet the named person and told her that I would pronounce it correctly as I had thought it was named after the Mayan Indians.

The mother told me it was actually Hebrew in original and means water spring!

My heart danced for joy at the sound of it. Our message is the message of our Father the water spring of life and I have come to live in the very street which has an Hebrew origin that means water spring or fountain. I told the mother and Mayan – “you have no idea how much that means to me”

I raced inside and grabbed a copy of Identity Wars and showed her chapter two – The Fountain of Life and gave her the book. I pray it will bless her.

How wonderful, God used a woman to name her daughter after something immensely significant to me many years ago and the faith of those who worship Him who is the water spring of life. I came inside and called my wife to prayer to kneel and thank our dear Father for a providential token of His love.

What a wonderful Father!

I hope this blesses you as it has me

PS - I forgot to mention that our new home has a fountain in the front garden as well