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Meet David Seely

Posted Jul 09, 2010 by Bobbie Beck in Adventist History
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—I would like to give a brief: sketch of my experience through the Review and Herald, hoping that it may be a benefit to some, especially those who are opposing God's holy Sabbath I was a believer in the second coming of Christ in 1843. I opposed the doctrine at first, but after hearing on the subject, and a diligent search of my Bible I became convinced that it was truth, and acted accordingly. I was then a member of the Second Baptist
church in Rochester. I saw that there was not that life and power of religion among them as among the Advent people. I loved the children of God, and the spirit they manifested. I could no longer walk with the church as they were, and I, therefore, left. A number of us left at the same time, and when we were brought before them on trial, we were not even permitted to speak in our own defence.

On the passing of the time in 1843, we were much disappointed, but still we did not feel discouraged, or like giving up. Nearly every evening we met to comfort
and cheer each other on. Until one evening, a brother very unexpectedly came with the cry, " Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him."' Words can never express the feelings of joy that it brought to my heart. I obeyed the call, and about
the tenth day of the seventh month, gave up my business, and tried to do what I could in warning others of the approaching judgment. O, what an effect it had
upon the world ! How the church and world combined, raged and scoffed at the proclamation of the coming of the Lord. Was there ever a time like that?
Now, brethren, you who once rejoiced in this mighty move, and have given it up as all delusion, I ask, what did it all mean ? Can you forget all those scenes ?—
Was it of God, or of man ? O, I fully believe that it was of God.

Well, after the tenth of the seventh month passed and the Lord did not come, we were much more disappointed than before. All was darkness around me, and I hardly knew where I was. I heard so many different views presented that I knew not which to believe as
truth. At the Hall, where we had formerly met of One heart and one-mind, all was confusion, and scarcely two of them could be found that agreed. The union
and love that had before existed was gone, and it seemed more like devouring one another than any thing else. I could not enjoy such meetings, and upon one occasion
I felt so bad that I left and walked the street. I felt sad and lonely. I knew that it would be death to go back to the churches, and I was like one that had no
home. I expressed my feelings to several at the time. Finally, I concluded that I would attend, and get what good I could, and shut my eyes to the rest.

When the " Age to come doctrine" began to be advocated, I did not fall in with it immediately. Many things I could not reconcile with it, yet as it was the
main theme discussed at the Hall, I thought it was all the truth there was to be found, and gradually settled down into that belief. But it was a theory I had in
my head which brought no life to my soul. I was often perplexed with this inquiry, why, if it was truth, did not the spirit and power of truth attend the preaching
of it? And the question has been frequently asked me, why our meetings were not more spiritual ? And I, with some of my brethren, have mourned and wept
over such a state of things.
And, again, if it was truth, where were its fruits to be seen ? Why was it that the strongest believers in it were the most eager after the world, with its pleasures
and fashions, when truth was designed, and has a tendency to lead us out from the world, to be more separate, and live nearer to Christ.

It is about two years since I heard anything relative to the Sabbath. I did not pay any particular attention to it at that time. A little over a year since the subject
was again brought up, and I looked at it for the purpose of finding something against it. I examined an article of Eld. Marsh, on the  abolition of the Sabbath, and I thought there was Bible argument sufficient to refute anything that could be brought in its
favor. I used the weapons of Eld. Marsh and Crozier, and thought I could slay every thing before me with them. But instead of that, they came very near slaying me. About this time my wife commenced keeping the Sabbath. I tried every way to convince her that she
was wrong. I thought I should be willing to suffer anything if it could be the means of her giving it up. I offered one person fifty dollars if they would turn her mind from the subject. I honestly believed that she was in error, and under some influence besides the
Spirit of God. I sometimes plead, and then I threatened. But all that I could do or say, only seemed to strengthen her in her position, and she seemed so fully
determined to press forward through every difficulty, that I made up my mind that we should have to part. I fought this truth and its advocates with all my might
I told my wife I would destroy their papers if she did not take them out of the house, and even went so far as to do so. I have said a great deal against those who
are keeping the seventh day. And I found that the moment I began to oppose, I felt condemned.
When their last Conference was appointed in this city, I said that I should not attend, and should do all in my power to hinder my wife from going. But at the urgent request of a friend I promised to attend. I attended two meetings, and got some light on the Sabbath,
and the Sanctuary in heaven. I now began to search my Bible for myself, and found much more in favor of their views than I had anticipated. My prejudice, in a measure, began to give way. I felt that, whether they had the truth or not. I was not right. I did not
manifest a right spirit. One evening, being alone, I knelt down before the Lord, and consecrated myself wholly to him, to be guided by his Spirit. I made up
my mind not to say anything more against this people. I was awake most of the night reflecting upon my past life. I realized how that I once enjoyed the Spirit
and power of God, but now I had fought against his truth until I had brought leanness into my soul. The next day I felt very solemn. And while at my work I was so strongly convicted of my sins that I could not remain there, but felt that I must go and confess
my wrongs, and ask forgiveness of my brethren, which I did. I now felt humble, and willing to do anything that God required of me, and his blessing rested upon me. Light soon broke into my mind on the truth, and I became satisfied that the Sabbath was binding
upon us; and I am now rejoicing in keeping all the commandments, the Sabbath not excepted. I have now found something that satisfies the hungry soul.
I feel very thankful that the Lord did not leave me to myself, to sin away the day of grace, but has brought me to see his truth.

About three weeks after I commenced keeping the Sabbath, I was taken sick with the disease, prevalent in the land. I was advised to go according to the Bible
rule found in James v, 14, but I refused. After being sick several days, I called a Physician. I took the medicine as prescribed, but grew worse instead of better.
At first, I thought it was too humbling to go as the Bible directed. I was not willing to bear the reproach that it would bring upon me. But I grew worse so fast that something must be done immediately, or I could not live. And I came to the conclusion that I would obey God, let the world say what they would. I went according to the direction given in James v, 14,
"let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him. anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up." I was made whole. I rose up praising God.

I am still keeping the Sabbath, and have received a special blessing on that day, more than on any other; and I can truly say that it is a delight. I believe we are hearing the third angel's message, and that we are near the time of trouble, and very soon, Jesus will come
to deliver his people. Those who keep the commandments, have the promise of entering the Holy City. I have come in at the eleventh hour, and I feel as though I wanted to devote the few remaining days wholly to the work of the Lord, that I may share in the promised

And now I want to say a word to those who are still opposing God's holy law. Stop one moment, and consider how you feel. See what spirit you manifest. Before deciding against it, investigate the subject carefully and candidly. Beware how you oppose, lest you be found fighting against God. If this is truth, it deeply concerns us all; and it is high time we were awake to it. Be entreated by one that feels for you, ere it is too late; for soon he that is holy, will be holy still, and he that is filthy will be filthy still.
Yours, expecting soon to see the King in his beauty,
Rochester, Nov. 12th, 1852.
R.H. Nov. 25,1852