Maranatha Media

My Declaration Testimony

Posted Mar 29, 2012 by Dennis Weaver in General
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I would like to declare praise, honor and glory to my Heavenly Father and His dear Son, Jesus, for the WISDOM of His divine pattern.  By lovingly obeying and following this divine example, the channels of blessing and protection will be opened for us to receive.

I previously shared my testimony on this website entitled Mercies from the Lord in which is the story of a miracle of my wife's recovery from a serious brain hemorrage.  Another miracle in our life centers around our son's car accident where the vehicle he was driving flipped and rolled down I-75 . He remembers being pulled out the back seat window and taken to the hospital.  In the emergency room I saw the right side of his head and neck were contused (bruised) and his ear had partially been torn off.  His left shoulder had been dislocated and his left hand had been degloved (skin torn off ).  His recovery was long and painful through a year of surgery and therapeutic treatments, rehabilitation and doctors visits.  A couple days after the accident I had the opportunity to see the damaged vehicle.  It was then that I realized God's intervention.  You see the roof over the driver's seat was crushed down into a  "V" shape about 18 inches.  If the driver's seatback had not collapsed, allowing his upper body to fall back into the back seat, my son's skull would have been split open and instantly killed.    There was a time when I would have thought this all to be coincidental, but I believe an angel of the Lord pulled that seatback down, thus preserving my son's life.

By God's grace our son continued in school to finish his PhD.  He is studying to become a professor of finance in a university at Florida State.

Within the last six months a crisis evolved concerning both our children.  Because of the bad economy our son could not find a professorship at any of the universities.  Through November, December and January we prayed for him to be able to find work, but nothing turned up.  The other students were finding jobs, but nothing had worked out for our son.  His stipend from the university would run out this May and he would no longer have an income.  We were looking forward to next fall for the next round of interviews.

Our daughter had a good paying job but early 2012 she was informed that her company was merging with another law firm in Orlando and there would not be a job for her  when the move would take place in a few weeks.  My wife and I, along with friends in this message, continued to pray.  One day, this past March, our son received a call with a job offer teaching at a university in the northeast and a week later our daughter, at the last minute, received word that she would move with the firm to their new location.  Since then, the Lord has opened up two other positions for her that would allow her to have a higher earning potential with better benefits.

We tell you these stories to declare to you a beautiful truth that  we recently learned about God's protection and blessing, the divine pattern.   God the Father,  source of all, through His only begotten Son channels love, blessing and protection.   

1 Cor 8:6 -  "Yet for us there is one true God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist."

In this text we see this divine pattern through their relationship, Jesus, the Son through love being obedient,  and submissive with respect to the Father's will.  Thus, in our lives this example is for us.  The children respect and obey the parents, the wife loves and obeys the husband, the husband loves and serves Christ.  We can see this divine pattern through all aspects of our lives, through the church and through our government, we are to love, respect and obey the authority that God has ordained.  If we don't, then we are not honoring our Father in heaven and miss out on the blessing and protection He wants us to have.  
It has only been recently when Brother Adrian shared this divine pattern with us that the Lord helped us to connect the dots concerning our own blessings and protection within our own family.  We know that we will face future trials but we can be comforted knowing that God will be with us and guiding and protecting us through these trials.

Again, we declare all praise, honor and glory to our Heavenly Father and His dear Son for their wisdom of the divine pattern. We also thank Brother Adrian for sharing this beautiful truth of love, respect and honor toward God and to mankind.