Maranatha Media

My Heavenly Father and Me

Posted Apr 29, 2010 by Graham Tierney in The Father
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My Heavenly Father and I began our relationship the moment I was conceived (Jer 1:5; Ps 139;13) but the pity is I didn't know it then! The beauty is that I do now and rejoice in the knowing. Even today it makes me teary, but also warm and fuzzy and most of all there is this incredible feeling of safety in being known, accepted and loved! This feeling of complete safety I can honestly say I have never before experienced in my entire life.....Strange! Because everyone born into this world with mother, father, siblings and home, as I was, should feel wanted, loved and above all safe, yet as I search my memories of early life those feelings are not there.I have spent a great deal of my life "in harms way" one way or another. Sometimes I put myself there through decisions I made and actions I deliberately carried out. Other times I was placed there by others.

The point I'm trying to make is this; when you are "in harms way" you expect to feel unsafe and most times allow for it, but when born into a human family you do not expect to battle for survival. Well, as a dear friend of mine says when he has been preaching for about 30mins, "that's just the introduction now we'll get to the message".

After a "winding road " Christian experience, when I was 70+ years of age in January 2009 through to 29 April 2010, I learned through the Identity Wars and Return of Elijah books and other material, that my Heavenly Father, who knew me before I was born and had watched over me all my life, really loved and accepted me as a person no matter what I had done in the past, even to the point of adopting me as a son (Eph 1:6) because His own Only Begotten (sourced) Son loves me enough to have died for me, thereby providing privilege for me to become a son (John 1:12) and even as I write, He Michael Christ Jesus The Literal Son of The Almighty God, born in eternity with the inheritance of Divinity from His Father, intercedes for me before His Father's throne and is "able to save to the uttermost, all them that come to God His Father because He ever liveth to make intercession for them (Heb 7:25 paraphrased). That includes me and you folks, no matter how we feel about ourselves today. Isn't that GOOD NEWS!

However, always saving the best to last, the best news for me today is, that at almost 72 years of age, my Heavenly Father woke me this morning at 3:30am because He wanted to chat to me and be with me, and we had a most amazing time as we communed together. My Father spoke to me about why He adopted me and the riches of His Grace (Eph 1:1-7) and I told Him of my love for Him and His Literal Son and things concerning my actual feelings and life. After all isn't that what prayer is all about? Steps to Christ p 93. God has made me a "prayer warrior" so my prayer for you today is that you have a great and blessed day like my Father and His Son are giving me! (Col 1;17)

"Life is worth the living just because HE LIVES"!!