Maranatha Media

My Profession of Faith

Posted Mar 31, 2012 by Dennis Weaver in General
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I believe:

•             In a literal, eternal God of love, the fountain source of all good things in heaven and earth. (  I Cor 8:6,  John 17:3,  Ephesians 4:6,  Romans 11:36, I Thes 1:9, Jer 2:13,  I Cor 15:27,  I John 4:8, 16, Psalms 36:7-9, Jeremiah 17:13, John 4:14 )

•             The Father has a literal begotten Son, that in Him, by inheritance, dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead bodily and by their relationship are the only two divine beings worthy of worship. (  John 3:16,  Col 1:19,  John 1:14-16,  Ephesians 1:22-23,  Col 2:9 &10,   Philippians 2:5-11, 1 John 2:22-23, 4:9, John 1:1-3, 2 Cor 4:4)

•             The eternal God is a literal Father and God in His relationship to His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. (  1 Peter 1:3,  2 Cor 1:3,  Col 1:3,  John 3:16,  Hebrews 1:5,  John 1:18, 2 Cor 11:31,  Matthew 27:46, Psalms 22:1,  Luke 23, 46,  John 20:17,  Ephesians 1:17,  Hebrews 1:8-9,  I Cor 11:3,  Rev 3:12, Matthew 16:16,  Matthew 3:17, Matthew 27:46)

•             That “Begotten”,  “proceeded forth from, “brought forth”, is a literal coming out of the Father by Jesus, the Son. (  Hebrews 1:5,  Psalms 2:7,  Proverbs 8:22-30,  John 1:18)

•             The Son of the eternal God, Jesus, was literally given all things by inheritance including God’s name,  divinity,  holiness,  authority, glory,  power,  life and spirit. (  John 5:26-27,  Hebrews 1:1-9,  John 14:10-11,  John 17:21, Philippians 2:6-9, John 5:18-21,  Psalms 45:6-7,  Acts 3:13-15,  John 6:69,  John 6:57, 2 Cor 13:4,  John 3:35,  John 13:3,  Matthew 11:27, Luke 10:22,  Matthew 28:18,  I Cor 15:27-28,  John 10:18)

•             The Father and His Son literally created the heavens and the earth and that earth was created in six literal days and they literally rested on the 7th day Sabbath, therefore, asking His children to “remember,” rest and keep that day holy as a sign between Him and us that we may know that He is our God, and that we are His people. (  1 Cor 8:6,  Genesis 1 & 2,  John 1:1-2,  Ephesians 3:9,  Col 1:13-17,  Hebrews 1:2,  Psalms 33:6,  Hebrews 11:3,  Revelation 19:13, Exodus 20:8-10, Ezekiel 20:12 & 20)

•             That Jesus is literally our example in perfect love, submission, obedience and dependence to the will and authority of the Father.  In God’s wisdom this Divine pattern of love, authority, blessing and protection has been given to all heaven and earth to follow.  In the family, the husband loves and obeys Christ, the wife loves, respects and obeys her husband, the children love and obey the parents.  In the church, pastors/elders love and obey Christ [the Word of God], members respect/obey the Word and pastors/elders so all can receive a blessing.  In government the authority/blessing comes from Christ given to President, Senators and Judges to ministers/governors then to the citizens.  In all aspects if we follow the Divine example of love, respect, obey and submit to the higher authority then there is a blessing. If we don’t then the blessing and protection is lost. (  Matthew 26:39-44,  Matthew 20:28,  Philippians 2:6-8,  John 10:17-18, Hebrews 5:8,  John 5:19, 30,  John 8:28,  John 12:49,50, 1Cor. 8:6,  1 Cor. 11:3,  Eph. 5:21-33,  Eph. 6:1,  1Peter 3:1,7, 1Peter 5:2, 1Thes. 5:12-13,  Rom. 13:1-2. )

•             We have a literal High Priest in heaven, Jesus, ministering in our behalf with His own precious blood in the literal heavenly sanctuary. (  Hebrews 3:1,  Hebrews 6:19-20,  Hebrews 8:1,  Hebrews 5:10, Hebrews 4:14-15,  Hebrews 7:26,  I Tim 2:5, Hebrews 5:6-7)

•             Our salvation comes from our Father in heaven through His only begotten Son who literally walked this earth and literally died for me on the cross. (  Acts 4:12,  Hebrews 5:9,  2 Cor 5:17-19,  Col 1:20,  Romans 5:10, John 14:6, I Timothy 2:5,  Matthew 27:45-50,  Mark 15:33-37,  Luke 23:44-46,  John 19, 28-30)

•             The Holy Spirit, mentioned in the word of God, is literally the Spirit of God and His Son, Jesus. (  Galatians 4:6,  2 Cor 1:3,  Genesis 1:2,  John 6:63,  Isaiah 63:11, 14,  Romans 8:14,  Philippians 1:19, 2 Cor 1:22,  Romans 8:9, 2 Cor 3:17,  Psalms 51:11, Psalms 139:7)

•             The dead in Christ currently are asleep in the grave and they will be literally raised from the grave, just as Jesus was literally raised from the grave by His Father. (  Acts 2:24,  Acts 3:14-15,  Romans 4:24, 2 Cor 4:14,  Ephesians 1:20,  I Thes 1:10,  I Thes 4:13-18)

•             That Jesus will literally return to earth, His second coming, in the clouds of glory after He finishes His ministry in the Holy of Holies. (  Rev 14:14,  I Thes 4:16,  Matthew 24:30, 2 Thes 2:1,  Jude 14)

•             There will be a people of God having such an indwelling of the Spirit of Christ that their characters will reflect fully the character of Christ and will be able to literally stand before a Holy God without a mediator in the heavenly sanctuary. (  Rev 14:1-5,  Rev 7:3-4,  Rev 3:12,  Rev 22:4,  Rev 3:21,  Rev 14:12,  I Thes 3:8)

•             That heaven is a literal place where God dwells and that the earthmade new will be a literal new earth without sin, pain, crying or death. (  John 14:1-3,  Rev 21 and 22,  Isaiah 65:17-25, 2 Peter 3:13)

•             The angels in heaven are literal spiritual beings who are sent to help us and who sole delight is to do the will of the Father. (  Hebrews 1:13-14,  Daniel 3:28,  Daniel 6:22,  Psalms 91:11, Matthew 4:6, Mark 1:13,  Luke 4:10)