Maranatha Media

Not a New Doctrine

Posted Feb 06, 2011 by Michael in Devotional - Blog
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As I was listening to chapter 28 (entitled "Levi-Matthew") I came across another good quote.

The teaching of Christ, though it was represented by the new wine, was not a new doctrine, but the revelation of that which had been taught from the beginning. But to the Pharisees the truth of God had lost its original significance and beauty. To them Christ's teaching was new in almost every respect, and it was unrecognized and unacknowledged. {DA 279.2}

Jesus pointed out the power of false teaching to destroy the appreciation and desire for truth. "No man," He said, "having drunk old wine straightway desireth new: for he saith, The old is better." All the truth that has been given to the world through patriarchs and prophets shone out in new beauty in the words of Christ. But the scribes and Pharisees had no desire for the precious new wine. Until emptied of the old traditions, customs, and practices, they had no place in mind or heart for the teachings of Christ. They clung to the dead forms, and turned away from the living truth and the power of God. {DA 279.3}

It was this that proved the ruin of the Jews, and it will prove the ruin of many souls in our own day. Thousands are making the same mistake as did the Pharisees whom Christ reproved at Matthew's feast. Rather than give up some cherished idea, or discard some idol of opinion, many refuse the truth which comes down from the Father of light. They trust in self, and depend upon their own wisdom, and do not realize their spiritual poverty. They insist on being saved in some way by which they may perform some important work. When they see that there is no way of weaving self into the work, they reject the salvation provided. {DA 280.1}

Notice the first paragraph, it has a big application for today. The teaching that Christ is the Son of God is not "new light", as it is being called, "but the revelation of that which had been taught from the beginning." But the church has lost the "original significance and beauty" of that message, so it seems totally new.

Ellen White says that of people today: "Rather than give up some cherished idea, or discard some idol of opinion, many refuse the truth which comes down from the Father of light." It's a sad truth. As always, I encourage you to read the chapter, every meal is so filling in this book!