Maranatha Media

Open Heart Report 7/25/11

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This past Sabbath was one of the most Spirit filled times I was privy to. It started on that Friday when I spoke to an old classmate just to tell her that I was going to be in town, as we continued to chat, I began to share the message of equality and identity, she started to tell me how she was praying to God for light on how to gain a deeper relationship with Him, we spoke for 2 1/2 hours, she was almost in tears, and said to me, " with the little that you have shared with me, I feel like I could die happy right now." Fast forward, we arrive in Nashville the following day to be greeted not by just one friend but 7 including my parents, all eager for me to share more, we talked and shared for 4 hours, the joy of this message keep bringing me to tears to see Gods people so hungry for truth. We had one nay-sayer, when it came to submission, she was a single mom who had done it all for her kids, and this now was a hard pill to swallow, but with time her sarcasm turned into earnest questions, and my answers, made her smile with assurance. We have since agreed to all study (my dad included... Still WOW for me) on Thursday's via Skype. We closed with DA p21 (icing on the cake). Family please pray for me and these souls that I may be emptied and that all they see is Christ in me, also, I get a lot of messages from some of you my brothers and sister sharing your concern for me when I am not on the site, your words warm my heart, and even if you don't see me, I am doing my best to champion this truth to the world.