Maranatha Media

Open Heart Report

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Hello again Maranath Media friends, we’ve been apart for some time, but it is a joy to chat with you again. I have found a job (in sales) *sigh* which I had been praying for, for awhile now and I see now that God was asking me to be patient, in order for me to learn what was needed to enter into this field of work. I spend a lot of time speaking about motivation, value, and worth, to my managers and co-workers who all enjoy it, which gives me pleasure when I get to share what I am learning. When I speak, a manager might ask aloud “what’s Randy preaching about now” which cracks me up, I don’t mean to preach, but like Pringles “Once I pop, I can’t stop” lol. So on Tuesday, things were not looking so good for me, yet I was not concerned, my manager came up to me and asked if I had any appointments for the following day, to which I replied, “a few” she said that a few wouldn’t cut it and I told her not to worry that God had it under control, she gave me a funny look and asked “you’ve never failed?” I answered “not with Him at my side.” Then she said “well lets see Him come through tomorrow” I smiled and told her “sure.”
That night I went home and my dad and wife to pray that God would show up in such a way that would begin to open my manager’s heart to Christ. Well, that morning all was great, I had a sale and it was closed for me before I got to work, I was like “starting early God! awesome” then…nothing, just great, but I was not worried in the least, I felt as though I was being tested, as if God was seeing if I would REALLY trusted Him. Then, the flood gates opened, we didn’t have enough staff to see everyone HAHA, I thought “keep em coming,” people we calling their friends to come in and they would show up like “Ummm, I was told to come and see Randy, is he available?” It was incredible, I sat and spoke to a gentleman about my age, in length, about the love of Christ and the Identity System (I even gave him a book) he was so thankful and I later found out that he does the Public Relations for AAA and he was telling me how he speaks to millions of people and is on TV, he gave me his card with his personal cell and email and said “I don’t know if I can do anything for you, but if I can please call” I almost leapt out of my seat, not because I had this influential person’s card, but because God gave me the opportunity to share His love and blessing with another, which I ask him to do each day. But here’s the kicker, at the end of my day I went to my manager and asked “so, how did we do?” She said we did so well that it could tide us for the rest of the week, I started laughing, she looked puzzled, I said “I told you” she stayed staring wide-eyed in disbelief , I told her “he is always waiting to answer when we call,” she asked where was He yesterday I replied “right here, the problem is we try to solve it ourselves instead of taking it to the Lord.” She just sat there for a moment looking at me as if to say “are you serious?” I just reiterated that she spend some time with Him and see for yourself He said “Taste and see that I am good, yes, good in every way, in every experience of your soul, in every night of the soul” (Psalms 34:8.

Thank you Abba, for showing up in a mighty way today as you do every day

Till next time Godheads, stay prayed up J