Maranatha Media

Feed Turkana Update

Posted Apr 28, 2012 by Jonathan Otto in Outreach (Preach Unto Them)
3,344 Hits

Hi Maranatha Media Family and Feed Africa Supporters,

I am headed out on a bumpy road, round trip will take four hours. Am a bit sick, something I ate, maybe a bit of stress too; has made sick (tummy bug). But I have something really important to communicate. This message includes a video that will show the three tribes we are working with and the operation we will conduct next week that will be a life altering system that will bring hope to literally thousands of people.


It's an 150 Acre plantation. Each Acre yielding 2.5 tons, only three months from now; corn, millet and native plant: sorghum. The whole plantation will yield about 375 tons of food. It will feed all three tribes, and will open the door to much more, as there is 1367 Acres cleared ready for planting.


Would you believe it we are just driving through the dry wilderness and this older teenage boy is shouting, putting his hand to his face and asking for food. It is so bad here. Me having my stomach in knots and not being able to sleep is nothing compared to hunger pangs.

These photos show the names of the donors on the bags.  The lady below is blind so I am telling her of the young guy Henry Siems that bought a shirt for 50 dollars, and provided her food for an entire year, and potential for much more. Amazing woman, with some assisting maintaining a farm. She was so happy, cutest thing in the world.


So here's what we will do. The Turkana project will have all the names of the donors on the bags of seed; and their names will be in the credits of the film as the ones that made it happen for the Turkana documentary that I am making; including the whole story and people getting out and planting what they gave.


Here is some of the countless Turkanan farmers we will be working with. These are hoes, they are just sticks; we will change that. For 500 shillings each; 6 dollars that is.


This is a call to urgency. This program goes out and begins next week, Wednesday is the plan. Our team is leaving in just over a week, until we next come out, and meanwhile we will have our locals overseeing on the ground the progresses of the plantation.  As it is coming up on the week end when this video is posted, you are likely to have an opportunity to share with your circle of influence; by playing the video to your family, friends, or church. Or you may have another community group you are involved with.

We will give whatever we have next week, and so anything you give will alter this project, and make it reach more suffering people. Our goal is 4,000. I really believe we can do it, We have less than a week; what if we all stood up?

Jonathan Otto

Shirts for Turkana:

Touching Story of a Young Orphan's Return Home

So This is What Happened in the End: Turkana Project Update