Maranatha Media

Praise God - A Song and Answered Prayer!

Posted Jan 14, 2014 by Lorelle Ebens in Testimonies and Stories
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Moving house again!  Moving house for the 19th time in 21 years of marriage - and for the 29th time since leaving my parents' home almost 27 years ago!! As you can tell, we're quite experienced at this past-time! From a "tree change" to a "sea change" this time! But with a slight complication - breaking a lease! (So that we are resettled in time for school start 28 January for the boys). This means if another tenant is not found for our current house, we still have to pay rent until the end of the lease (end of March).  Not believing that God would want us to pay double rent, we have been praying and trusting.  However it would take some divine intervention, as there are a number of houses available for rent in our area (some cheaper than ours too!), and there seems a shortage of people to rent them. 

The next problem is finding a new home to rent - as there seems a shortage of rentals available, and an abundance of people wanting them, in our new area.  One home we wanted to look at had 35 others interested!  We soon lost interest in that one.

A bit concerned about the situation, a few weeks back, praying and choosing to trust our Heavenly Father's love for us - I woke in the morning with a song playing in my head.  It was a Scripture song:

John 15:7  If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

I grasped that as a promise my Heavenly Father was speaking to me - that if we abide in Christ, our requests for new tenants and a new home would be answered. I shared my experience of the song with Adrian, and we chose to believe that God would answer our prayers in His time.

Praise God for the answers:  A week ago, we had a look at another home (the 7th we'd looked at) and it was the nicest we'd seen so far, and surprisingly no-one else was looking at it.  We applied for it, and were approved in just over 2 hours.  On the same day, some people were shown through our current home, liked it and stated that they would be put in an application.  One Monday, they put in their application, and we got word on Thursday that they have been approved.  So they move in when we move out!  Both our prayer requests answered in the positive. 

How kind of our Heavenly Father to put that song in my mind a few weeks ago, to give me the assurance of His love and care.

Psalm 146:1  Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul.

Psalm 107:8  Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

Wishing you all a wonderful year of abiding in Christ, and answered prayer!