Maranatha Media

Praying for a Door of Opportunity

Posted Oct 20, 2015 by Adrian Ebens in Testimonies and Stories
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Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds: Col 4:3 

Over the weekend my asosciate and I were visiting some believers in another town. After a time of blessing we returned to the airport. When we sat in the departure area we had a seat between us. Shortly after a young person asked if they might sit in the seat between and we welcomed them to sit down.

I began to have thoughts of how I might share with this person as they were brought to sit down right next to us. I began to ask Father for a door of opporutnity to speak to this person that our Father and Lord Jesus love so much. Shortly after I glanced down and saw that they were holding a passport from Canada. Immediately I found a door and I said "I see you are from Canada, I was visiting there earlier this year." I then shared my reason for the visit there and produced a copy of the book Identity Wars as the focus of my work and ministry. I gave the book to them and said you are welcome to read it. She asked what it was about and I explained that it portrayed Self-worth from a Christian perspective. "Do you believe in God?" she said. "Yes I surely do," I replied. I was then able to share a little of my testimony of how Christ had brough so much peace, joy and a sense of purpose and direction into my life. She said she would read the book as she had a long flight back to Canada.

I thanked Father for opening a door to share some of the joys of the life of a Christian.

Father please grant me a door of opportunity today to share of the love of Christ and our Father's wonderful gift in giving His Son.