Maranatha Media

Random Act of Kindness

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I must confess that people still surprise me.  You only have to watch the news, read a newspaper & listen to the radio to see that we’re definitely living in the day that the Bible describes: “as in the days of Noah” or the last days.

What blew me away was the RAK (Random Act of Kindness) from my boss.

Last Monday was our AGM at the Innisfail Community Support Centre.  After the AGM “dinner” was served – mainly finger food + salad followed by dessert.  As we were leaving each of us was offered a plate of food to take home, so that the leftovers wouldn’t be thrown out.  I declined the offer simply because I didn’t have a fridge at home.

Later in the week I had to go to work for some reason that I can’t remember.  When the Centre manager asked to see me.  Long story short, she asked was it true that I didn’t have a refrigerator & I said yes that’s correct.  Then she blew me away by saying that we can possibly help you in that case.

I went to work as usual on Friday for my 2 hour shift, & as I was leaving, the Centre manager came up to me & asked me to follow her.  So I did & low & behold we ended up in the storage shed – she showed me a very sad looking bar fridge just inside the shed door.  And she said: “It’s yours if you want it.”  What could I say?  But yes that would be absolutely fantastic.    

After showing me the bar fridge, the boss asked me did I have any way of getting it home & I said no that I don’t own a car or have access to a ute.  And with that she said, right then, I’ll see you @ 2:30 Monday arvo with the fridge. 

WOW!  Talk about answer to prayer.

I didn’t think any more about the fridge over the weekend – more or less thinking to myself “I’ll believe it when I see it”.  And then right on the dot of 2:30 yesterday afternoon the boss turns up with the bar fridge with one of the other male volunteers to help me carry it into my unit.  I was really blown away & again I was surprised by the RAK of people.  And showed my boss my appreciation for the fridge with a firm handshake & a peck on the cheek.

After my boss & her offsider left, I got out the Ajax, a Chux & filled a bucket with warm water.  What looked like a sad looking bar fridge, turned into a gleaming white bar fridge that was showing it had been well used & well looked after.

Now I’m the proud owner of a gleaming white, pre-loved bar fridge that needs a good feed – so far all I’ve managed to put in the fridge was a loaf of bread, a tub of margarine & a 2 litre bottle of water, 1 cucumber & 2 tomatoes.  Later today I’ll do my usual fortnightly shopping & add a few more salad ingredients to the fridge, so that I can enjoy having salads again.

In closing, my friends, my faith in humanity has been restored again.  There are still people in the world who are capable of an RKA & it is certainly an example to us (me included) how we should be more Yeshua-like each & every day.

I thank YHWH each & every day for the Good Samaritans of the world.


Rabbi Johann

"He who loves a pure heart and whose speech is gracious will have the king for his friend" Proverbs 22:11 NIV.