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Remember that you were a slave in Egypt

Posted Dec 22, 2012 by Adrian Ebens in Adrian Ebens
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Deut 5:15  And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God brought you out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm: therefore the LORD your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day. (NKJV)

In the tranquillity of the Sabbath, my heart is drawn out to my brethren that I once fellowshipped with in the church. The incredible joy of knowing the begotten Son has a second edge that pierces my heart. I am separated from many that I love and remember with fondness. Still I hope and pray; still I believe that our Father will do for them as He has so graciously done for me. Though it seems impossible, yet I trust that a few will come into the narrow way and find the joy of My Beloved.

As I look back over the path I have walked in the last five years, I stand amazed. I had served the gods of this world for 40 years and then the Lord in His infinite grace called me into the narrow road to follow His Son. My heart is filled with thanks, I tremble for joy. It is the remembrance of what I was that fills me with gratitude for what I have become now. He that is forgiven much, loveth much and gently, gently, the Spirit of God reveals to my mind how much I have been forgiven. I was completely lost and I knew it not. I thought I was rich and yet I was destitute, I thought I could see yet I was stumbling in the darkness. The light that shines in the face of Jesus Christ the begotten Son has taken time to penetrate my darkened mind. As each day passes, my delight in Him grows and as my delight grows I pause to remember what I was. I remember that I was a slave in Egypt. I remember the fear at crossing the great sea. I remember grumbling for bread when I felt all alone. Like Aaron I had raised up the golden calf and believed it to be a feast to Jehovah.

Yet I look upon the brazen serpent, my soul aching from the bites of the enemy serpent. I have put my trust in God and have confidence that He has forgiven me. The knowledge that my Lord Jesus walked in my flesh and conquered all and made a path to the Father gives me hope. His victory is mine. Sweet contemplation, blessed Sabbath revelation.

And so on the Sabbath, I remember that I was a slave. I remember that I have been called out of darkness and in this remembrance, I pray that I shall be granted to cling to humility and show grace to those who seem to reject my pleas to consider the begotten Son and patience and grace for those who reject God’s beloved Church. The Agape of Christ constrains me and binds my wounded soul with faith, hope and love but the greatest of these is love.