Maranatha Media

Removing the Pillar, by Margaretha Tierney.

Posted Jun 22, 2013 by Michael Nickson in General
3,548 Hits

I have just finished reading this wonderful eye-opening book crammed with all sorts of pertinent information about the history behind the acceptance of the trinity by the SDA church. There is definitely no shortage of material on this important subject but one would have to go a very long way to find a better job of putting all the pieces of the puzzle together as has been done in this exceptional work. The author is to be highly commended for gathering together vast stores of historical material, constructing and presenting it in such clear and precise detail, and doing so in such an easy-to-read manner.

This is a book that all Adventists ought to get their hands on, not just the trinitarians among us.

Removing the Pillar can be downloaded here:

It is also available in paperback through Administrator Gary Hullquist.