Maranatha Media

Righteousness by Faith - Sweet Meditation

Posted Nov 12, 2015 by Adrian Ebens in Devotional - Blog
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As the light of truth that shines from the Law of God reaches into my soul, I cry out O wretched man that I am! My thoughts are peeled back, down layer after layer and my mouth is stopped. It is then that I hear the Spirit of Christ speak to me - My Father is your Father, my righteousness is your righteousness, I love you with an everlasting love, you are precious to me.

My selfish pride does not easily accept this exchange as there is no glory for me in this, no merit, nothing I can boast in, but I take hold of His love, I believe His Word that He will complete the work He has started and I rest in His love. Fully justified by the grace of God, tasting the sweet Spirit of sanctification and knowing that the victory of Christ is mine and mine by His Word alone. I cherish that word, I embrace and I dwell in the secret place of the Most High.

In the acceptance of my sinfulness and accepting that I am completely worthy of death, the door of righteousness swings open and the ram caught in the thicket is spotted. I look up and see the knife of justice and know that I deserve to die, but the angel of the Lord cries out and the true lamb of God takes my guilt and shame. In entering into death, I find the door of resurrection. In accepting my failure in the old covenant, I discover a way into the new covenant. Sweet meditation, heavenly bliss, righteousness by faith.