Maranatha Media

Searching for Pastor David Bower

Posted Mar 09, 2013 by Harmina Tierney in General
2,925 Hits

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I have blogged this unusual request, but a friend in Australia has been in contact and asked if I knew a pastor named David Bower. She believes he is American and that he was active in the 60s and 70s. My friend also believes that this person was around during the Robert Brinsmead era but did not know if he was connected to Brinsmead etc and could not give any further information so there is not a lot to go on. However, I know that she is desirous of contacting this pastor if he is still alive. In contemplating how I could assist my friend I had the thought, if anyone could find this needle in a haystack it would be someone from a group such as the Maranatha and Fountarian fellowship.

May Our Heavenly Father and His Son continue to bless you all.