Maranatha Media

Singing with Angels

Posted Aug 13, 2013 by Adrian Ebens in The Sabbath
3,273 Hits

This evening I sat and watched as the Sun slowly sank into the west and the Sabbath begin. I felt joy at knowing that I was entering holy time with our Father and Lord Jesus in the Spirit. As we opened Sabbath with a Hymn, I thought of the angels in heaven singing and then I had impression in my mind "Sing Adrian, Let us sing with you!" And then I thought on a vast throne of angels tuning our soft and feeble tune into a cresendo of glorious rapture. At the thought of this I wept and found it impossible to sing. I was struck with the thought at how few around the world would open the Sabbath with hearts aglow for the Father and His only Begotten Son. Indeed He is a man of sorrows and rejected of men. I tried to regain my voice but I could not sing and so my wife played for the angels and I read the words and perceived a mighty choir and by faith I believe that one day I will hear them sing for now I see through a glass darkly.

How I want to go to my Father's home and dwell in the home that Jesus has prepared for us. In this valley of the shadow of death, my heart is torn by the evil that abounds every where and the love of many has grown icy cold.

I pray, my friend, that you will decide with me to accept the wedding invitation and choose to believe that unworthy though we be, we are accepted in the Beloved and will be purified from all defilement as we submit to the leading of the Spirit of Jesus.

Thank you Father for your precious angels that love to sing and bring light into this darkened world. I pray for my brethren around this globe that your Spirit will come to them and your angels will sing with them as they have with me and my family.

Happy Sabbath