Maranatha Media

Stirrings and Shakings - May 2017 Newsletter

Posted May 19, 2017 by Adrian Ebens in Newsletters
3,450 Hits

In This Issue:

- Stirrings and Shakings
- Life Stream 2017
- The Stand of Daniel Mesa
- Rumblings in the Church in Australia
- Our Loving Merciful Father
- Escaping the Pentagon of Lies Series
- Evangelism Training Program USA.
- Meetings in Europe
- MP3 sermon collection

The past number of weeks have revealed much activity amongst God's people, the church and the world. Last Month our group of believers here in Australia gathered together for the Passover and what a wonderful experience this was. The messages, the joy and the peace that was experienced together was a taste of heaven. A number have mentioned that they are still floating from the gift of the Spirit that came at this time. As we came together we were reminded that the Passover offers to us a thirtyfold blessing of the Spirit in relation to the weekly Sabbath. Numbers chapter 28 and 29 provide the ratios of flour and oil combined together to make bread that is a symbol of the presence of Christ. See the book Living Bread from Heaven for more details and/or watch the presentation

We had guests from China, South Africa, USA, Canada, Germany, Netherlands and Thailand as well as several locations in Australia. There were around 80 people in attendance. For some this was their first feast and they did not know what to expect. For many there is the fear of a round of rituals and rites that must be performed to please God but for those who have come to know the Lord of the Sabbath they know that the feasts are a magnification of the gift of the Spirit. They are the Sabbath more fully. I invite you read the testimony of one dear friend who came to the feast for the first time.

Memories from Widgee Passover

It was such a joy to listen to the various presentations and especially the testimonies of how the Lord had been leading in peoples lives. On the weekly Sabbath during the feast we had a baptism and several people came forward with great joy to be baptised. It was an honour and a privilege to be able to baptise Pr Louis Hofmeyr from South Africa. A quiet and gentle man with a deep conviction for the truth. It was a blessing to spend time with him and hear him speak. 


We were able to spend several hours together in discussion about the plan of salvation, the covenants and the character of God. I very much look forward later this year to visiting the brethren in South Africa and working side by side with Pr Hofmeyr. We had 7 precious souls go forward in baptism in the blessed name of the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Apart from the wonderful Testimonies we had some important presentations on the book of Daniel, Revelation the Daily and the 2520. These messages showed the importance of the 2300 days, the Daily and the 2520 in affirming the Everlasting Covenant. They also revealed some of the critical reasons why after 1844 the time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation cease. The wide spread reapplication of the time prophecies from the year/day to day/day application is at war with the pillars of the midnight cry. It is certainly true that there is repeating of history but not the repeating of the time periods which the angel clearly said there would be time no longer. Our team of elders here in Brisbane and those who have chosen to work with us only feel safe in building upon the solid platform given to our pioneers in regard to our prophetic message. The step that many are taking into reapplication of day/day principles are stepping off the platform and they are placing themselves in great danger. 

We also had two presentations on the importance of correct Bible study methods in accordance with Miller's rules of interpretation.

Line Upon Line 
Pots, Dishes and Miller's Rules

After the great season of refreshing that we experienced we are now looking forward to the time of Pentecost when another of the appointed times for a season of refreshing is promised when the Lord will send the Spirit of Jesus to us in greater measure. 

Life Stream 2017
From the commencement of this year we have been live streaming our services on Youtube. We have been blessed to have many people join us online and join our local home church family here in Brisbane. There have been several important messages shared in these sessions that are expanding material from Escaping the Pentagon of Lies Series. You can find the collection of videos here

Life Stream 2017

You can subscribe to our youtube channel to keep up to date and also access the links for the live stream from the home page of Maranatha Media. our Life Stream will not be operating while Lorelle and I are overseas. Our meetings will be streamed from Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel.

The Stand of Daniel Mesa
During our time of the Passover we learned that another ordained Seventh-day Adventist Minister has come forth to proclaim the Father and His Only Begotten Son. He has produced several excellent videos on the Father and Son that we recommend that you watch and share. You can contact and support Daniel at - Please pray for Daniel and the men working with him. The expression of His convictions have already caused a reaction. Sadly Pr Stephen Bohr and Secrets Unsealed have distanced themselves from Daniel and have expressed their convictions in a way that denies the Father and the Son. Many of us have had hopes for Pr Bohr after his excellent sermon called Risk of Eternal Loss - Let us pray for Pr Bohr and Secrets Unsealed, the costs of denying the Begotten Son of God are high and we pray they will reconsider this and stand with Daniel Mesa and honour the true God and His Son. 

Rumblings in Adventist Church in Australia.

A few days ago I received an email from It is Written Oceania indicating that the director and speaker Pr Gary Kent has been removed from His position for what has been expressed as a "breach of his fiduciary duties." There have been tensions between the South Pacific Division and It Is Written over the past little while and these recent actions indicate a very serious problem. Pr Gary Kent has been a very dedicated and industrious worker in sharing the Adventist message. My wife's parents went with Pr Kent to Russia on a number of occasions and they found him a delight to work with. He is a gracious man and very dedicated. These recent developments that appear to have been made in great haste suggest a serious problem. In my current investigations of the matter, there does not appear to be any current evidence to warrant such a reaction. [I received this response letter from It is Written Partners] I have been given confirmed reports that Pr Kent has been refused from preaching in any Adventist Church. Pr Kent has a very large support base in the church and unless the church can show due cause for such drastic action it will suffer the loss of confidence of thousands of its members. I wrote to the leaders of the church saying that information needs to be forthcoming to show the membership why these actions have been taken. At the same time a situation has been brewing in the Australian Union where an Adventist Pastor has been sending open letters to leaders, members, and other interested parties with respect to the production of the video series called Big Questions. It is alleged that at the very minimum that over one quarter of a million dollars has been taken and used for personal gain. Other sources have indicated to me that the figure is well over half a million dollars. I was sad to read that the author of the letter has handed all the relevant information to the worldly media who are now poised to expose this scandal to the world if the Union should foolishly chose to go ahead and release this video series. If this were not enough there are a number of cases pending in the Royal Commission against sexual abuse in the Adventist Church. I have received information in regard to this situation first hand from the father of one of the victims of such a crime. This is not information I have been seeking out. I find this greatly distressing to learn of all these events for I love the Adventist Church and I see that these events will bring devastation to the Adventist church in Australia. I ask everyone to pray for the leaders here. Pray they will have the courage to repent of whatever wrong doing has been done and deal with the fraud that appears to have been taken place taking hundreds of thousands of tithe payers dollars. It would be a very sad thing to say it serves them right. Our attitude is that we love our brethren in the Adventist Church, we rejoice that many like Pr Kent have been preaching the truths of the Sabbath, Second Coming and the Three Angels messages to the best of their ability. These events will bring a great shaking. All of us are sinners and have made mistakes so we don't wish to have a holier than thou attitude but rather we wish to weep before the porch and the altar and ask mercy from heaven for us all. The timing of the current events are interesting in the light of the fact that that 37 years ago the Church nailed the Begotten Son to death in the 27 Fundamentals. Will these actions meet with disaster 40 years later even as Jerusalem suffered at the hands of Rome 40 years after the true Son of God was crucified? How I pray that this is not the case. Yet we must remember that actions have consequences and the denial of the Son of Father means that the Spirit of Christ has been evicted from the temple of Adventism. Without repentance for these actions the temple will be left desolate. We remember the prayer of Daniel and ask our Father in heaven to forgive us for turning against His Son and His commandments especially the first one to have no other gods beside the one true God. It would be easy to read these words and think I am against the church but I am not. I love the church and all my brethren in the church. I want every single person I have had the joy of working with to be saved. I don't want any person to be deceived and lost through Satan's deceptions. Is the Church repeating history? Has it chosen Barabbas over the true Son of God? Let us pray earnestly for our church for the shaking is really showing signs of expanding in the coming months.  

Our Loving Merciful Father
Over the past year a burst of glorious light is shining upon the Word of God to reveal the truly loving character of our Father as revealed in the life of Christ while He was here on earth. There are many who have embraced the idea that our Father does not stand toward the sinner as an executioner and yet many questions have remained unanswered as to how to explain the judgments in the Old Testament and the final destruction of the wicked.

During the Feast of Tabernacles in 2016 light and truth came to the people of God through the understanding of the ministration of death as connected to the work of both the Old and New Covenant to bring a believing soul into the complete experience of righteousness by faith as manifested in obedience to all the commandments of God.

Shortly after this time a series of meetings conducted in Talking Rock Georgia called Escaping the Pentagon of Lies drew together a collection of Bible students from around the world in response to that message to meditate upon the loving character of our Father in heaven.

Several people began to share quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy that confirmed the truths that had been considered in the series. At this time Tina Marie Simon became so captivated by the inspired statements within the Spirit of Prophecy that she searched for many hours bringing together a wonderful bouquet of statements that reveal the beauty and glory of our Father.

I have been thrilled reading over this collection and every fibre of my being says amen for on every page is found confirmation that the Son of the Living God has revealed to the universe who the Father really is and what He is like. He has exposed the lies of the enemy who have tried to present God as harsh and violent when required to maintain order in His domains. We can say with absolute certainty that Jesus Christ has shown us the Father and what a picture of love is given to us. Now we can behold the character which will be the very seal of God given to us through the gift of the Spirit during the appointed times of refreshment designated for us. Let us rejoice for our redemption draws nigh.

You can download the book here

Pentagon of Lies Series

I ask you to watch the 10 part series of meetings entitled Escaping the Pentagon of Lies to follow the sequence of how we step by step come to see our Father in heaven revealed in the earthly life of Jesus His Son. This sequence of meetings is vital to understand why the character of our Father is fully revealed in the earthly life of Christ

See the whole series here

Download the Series in MP4 for DVD from Dropbox


Evangelism Training School - Talking Rock, GA, USA. June 1 - July 3, 2017

In the Training School the following areas will be addressed.

  1. The Third Angel’s Message as taught in God’s Last Message of Love.
  2. Adventist Foundations
  3. The Covenants
  4. The Statutes and Judgments
  5. The Character of God
  6. Sermon Preparation and Delivery
  7. Principles in Giving Bible Studies
  8. Sharing your Personal Testimony
  9. Conducting a weekend Evangelistic program
  10.  Various other related topics related to the Adventist Movement.

Each Student will be given a color chart folder as part of the training program that will be used for the Bible study sessions. We will be taking some time to do some evangelism preparation for doing a weekend seminar in the local town. There is a small cost for the materials used during the program. Each student will need to provide their own food except for Sabbath Lunchs

Speakers include Adrian Ebens, Ruben Olschewsky, Craig Jones, Gary Hullquist, Ben Kramlich, Bill Cave and more!

Please Contact Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel to register.

Meetings in Europe

Here is our itinerary for meetings in Europe
July 21-23 Sofia, Bulgaria 
July 28-31 Zrenjanin, Serbia
Aug 5-6, Brno, Czech Republic
Aug 12,13 Southern France
Aug 18-20 Mornex, France
Aug 23-26 Speele, Germany
Sept 8- Oct 17 Meetings in South Africa

I will be joined by my wife Lorelle and son Daniel for the meetings in USA, France and Germany. It is with joy that Danny Brown will be travelling with me through all the meetings we will be conducting this year. You can listen to some of Danny's testimony in this youtube video from around the 11 minute mark. Danny, Ben Kramlich, Craig Jones and I will be attending Tabernacles in South Africa. 

MP3 Sermon Collection

We now have available the mp3 sermon collection from Adrian Ebens from 1994 to the present. It is not always possible to watch sermons and often it is easier to listen. You can download the sermons from this location

Thank you

We say thank you for all our supporters in various parts of the world that help us get the joyous news of the Third's Angel's message out to the world. We ask for your prayers as we continue to advance the light of truth. We are very excited about the things we are learning and pray that you also will be blessed on this journey into a deeper knowledge of the Father and the Son.

Adrian Ebens
Maranatha Media