Maranatha Media

Sweet Meditation for Tabernacles

Posted Oct 02, 2015 by Adrian Ebens in Devotional - Blog
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Lev 23:40..and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days.

This certainly is my experience. As I think of all that our Father has done for us through Christ, I feel joy at the thought of when Christ came forth from the Father. He was daily His delight rejoicing always before Him because the Father gave Him all things and therefore His joy is complete and will never end.

What a privilege it is to step into that joy and tabernacle with our Saviour at this time. I am filled with a sense of thankfulness, peace and love. My cup runneth over. Surely I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. My great desire is that all who read this will also choose to be there that we may all continue to expand and grow in the the fullness of the Father's benevolent love that was first manifested as gratitude in the heart of Christ on the day of His birth in the days of eternity. The universe exploded to life with two Big bangs. The release of the Father's love in the begetting of His Son and the explosion of joy in the heart of His Son that returned the Father and also manifested in the creation of the universe.

Truly I say to all, grace and peace be unto you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. This is life eternal that you may know Him the only true God and Jesus Christ whom He sent. John 17:3