Maranatha Media

Tears of Joy

Posted Feb 24, 2010 by Bobbie Beck in General
7,525 Hits

Dear Adrian,
I thank you so much for the videos you sent. I had such a blessed Sabbath, I watched quite a few of them. "Wresting with the Second Angel" was amazing, the conection with Mary Magdalene, when she poured out the oil, the condemnation and freedom, I can't even explain what happened within me, I cried tears of joy for about an hour as I envisioned the whole scene and the Second Angels message unfolded, I looked out the window, up into heaven and the only words I could speak were, "Happy Sabbath Lord", as I spoke those words... I can't even explain it....I experienced for the first time the fellowship of the Father and the Son and what the Sabbath is really all about. Halleluyah.....I now labour to enter that rest continually. A little later I watched "The Authority of the Spirit of Prophecy", again I cried tears of joy as I thought, Now I really have a mother, to nurture me, as I have not had this in my life nor a father's blessing. I praise the Lord for these messages.

Thank You so much


Wrestling with the Second Angel from Maranatha Media on Vimeo.


The Authority of the Spirit of Prophecy from Maranatha Media on Vimeo.