Maranatha Media

Testimony of Pastor Juvinus in Tanzania

Posted Nov 12, 2021 by Danutasn Brown in Testimonies and Stories
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Hello beloved in Christ, my name is Juvinus Mwita Nchama from Tanzania. I was born on February 10, 1992.

Here is my Testimony

I grew up in a non-christian family but sometimes I attended a Roman Catholic church. 

One day, when I was about 10 years old, I dreamed that I was in heaven, but I saw nothing there other than the natural beautiful environment and my dream ended there!

From that day on I got the burning desire to know more about God! I struggled in whatever I could to be a good person and always tried to attend church gatherings. The more I struggled, the more my thirst about God increased! It reached a point when I gave up and stopped attending the church services. 

My mother became a witch doctor and I used to assist her in her activities, hoping one day I could become a witch doctor too. I continued learning until I became miserable person to the point where I started to be afraid of myself.

In 2007 I got an Adventist friend at school who started to share with me about the good news about Jesus and end-time events. It didn't take long to decide to be baptized because when he was talking to me about Jesus, I remembered the dream and my desire to know God revived again!

I got baptized and started attending church services hoping that my burning desire will be fulfilled. At the beginning it was, but later I felt I was missing something. I tried to participate in various programs but what I got was zero. I stopped again attending church services, but this time something different happened in my life – I was asking God what should I do! This was my daily prayer to God.

In 2012, I decided to be baptized again and joined the SDA school to do my advanced studies. Then on my journey of finding my purpose of existence, I became a lay pastor after I finished my studies.

When I became a lay pastor, I believed that now I have got everything I want and my desire will be satisfied! But instead of what I hoped for, I got a stronger burning desire than ever before! I started crying all the day long! 

Later in 2015 I decided to pursue Theological studies while under conference sponsorship. I went to Bugema University at Uganda, ready for my studies.

Remember that all I was doing was because of the thirst I have of knowing God! I continued there at Bugema for one and half years, then I stopped there because I couldn't get what I expected. My desire became even more strong as I realized even theology was an empty dry vessel.

I returned home and no one could understand me, even my conference leaders! I lost all my friends and things became more difficult at the point where I was asking God to kill me! When I saw that God is silent, I decided to pray this short prayer that was a key to where I am today:

"Dear God I know you know me more than I know myself. You're the one who brought me into the world; you're the one who has the purpose of my existence. I surrender everything to you. Now I am alone because every one now is against me. Please God be to me a father; be to me a guardian, a shepherd, a teacher, a lecturer and a friend! I will continue attending the SDA church but help me to search materials online. Help me to understand the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy so that I can come to the true knowledge of you, IN JESUS NAME....AMEN."

I started searching for materials online until one day I got this site "Maranatha Media". I read the article "Calvary in Egypt". The stuff was too heavy to me about the non-violent character of God. I believed that God does not kill though I can't explain how could that be, because of many violent biblical stories

I asked God to wait a little because the stuff was heavy. I asked Him to carry me through another study. When I was waiting, someone who later became a friend came to me and asked me about the Trinity, especially the Holy Spirit. I didn't know that I believed something that I couldn't explain! But I said to myself: I am a pastor; let me open the Bible and give him answers. The more I tried, the more I became confused!

The friend continued to ask me the same question every moment we met until one day I remembered I saw a book at "Maranatha Media" entitled "GODHEAD". I downloaded the book and spent a whole day studying and confirming everything from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. What I got made me cry and become sick for some days! 

After that I decided to gather all materials concerning the Trinity from Maranatha Media and from other sites. I also got other sites like www.trinitytruth.org I also started watching YouTube sermons from Pastor Adrian Ebens, Nader Mansour, Imad Awde, pastor James and from Pioneer Health and Missions ministry. It took me four months to come to the true understanding of the Identity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

I decided to contact my district pastor and church elders where we had a meeting of three hours. I explained and provided evidence of what i now believed, and answered their questions using the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. At the end they told me that our church does not believe what I now believe. Then I asked them what should I follow: the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy or the Church Manual? They commanded me to deny my new belief or I would lose my church membership! I said I leave everything in your hands to decide what to do, but I can not believe and surrender to the Trinity god!

The next Sabbath it was announced that I'm a Roman Catholic Jesuit in the SDA church, and all people should not mingle with me anymore, and lastly I lost my membership! I was surprised by the spirit that was leading them. I cried like a child, but got strength from God. I told God now I'm ready to start learning about your non-violent character!

 I have read hundreds of pages from Maranatha Media with a deep desire to know God more than ever before, and now my burning desire has met a fountain of water where I can quench my thirst. The LORD has answered me and now I see Him as a loving and caring Father who always thinks about me; rather than before when I saw Him as a commanding father who inflicts suffering to the non-obedient onSes!

Now I am a father of one child. I and my wife, we spend a lot of time learning and sharing the good news about the character of God through whatsapp groups and to those who we meet face to face. We have compiled and translated one book in Swahili language entitled "MUNGU HAUI (GOD DOES NOT KILL)". There is a great demand of these books to be translated into the Swahili language. Up to this point we are using our mobile phones in reading and writing articles to share with our friends due to the financial crisis we are passing through. We are in need of two computers, one printer and one camera to help us reading, writing and posting on youtube bible studies in the Swahili language . If any one who is willing and able to support us with those devices we will be so happy for that blessing!

Kindly pray for us because we are passing through a challenging stuation. We love you all beloved in Christ! We love you Pastor Ebens and we are praying for you because you have become a channel of our spiritual blessings from Jesus Christ. We hope that very soon we shall shake our hands in that Golden City.

God bless you abundantly!

Attached is my book "MUNGU HAUI", and our family picture.

Literature in Swahili here: