Maranatha Media

Thank You Father For the Gift of Sarah

Posted May 17, 2012 by Borislav Subotin in General
3,610 Hits

Brothers and sisters in the faith it has been some time since you’ve heard from me. My wife Carol and I were in the process of getting our home ready for a special guest.  On the evening of April 18 she arrived, our daughter and new family member Sarah. Carol and the baby are fine, praise to our Father and His Son!! Sarah was 52 centimeter long and weighed 4 kilos. Our God is so good.

I never hoped to have a child, honestly...but God is so wonderful and He knows our fight in this life and He gives us such blessings. We made a promise to our Father that we will do everything the most seriously with our child, His child and we need wisdom from Him to guide us to do only good for Sarah.  Also we pray to not think about basic needs for baby, God will care for all. He knows everything. Brothers and sisters you can join us in our prayer that we will be godly parents for Sarah.

Carol and I also continue outreach as Bible workers for the church. Sometimes it is difficult to show people basic Bible truths, even when they are Adventist. We are living in special time and the church has many problems, but we know that God has His people in the church all over the world. We just need to be with our dear Father and His Son and He will lead us. It is difficult sometimes to stay 'cool' when lies are spoken about God. We have good and bad experiences in talking to such people, but God teaches us.

Last Friday one friend whom Carol and I study the Bible with called us on my mobile phone. He said he had turned on the speaker on his mobile phone. Then he told me: "Boris I am here with my wife and many of my friends and they want to hear from you about God and Bible testimonies about this and how we can understand the truth about God and other things from the Bible, do you have some free time?"

It was something special for me, to study the Bible with others in this way.  There were many questions from them about God. We talked a long time and our Father opened the door to others, to some new people, to tell them the truth about God and other truths. Our God always has wonderful ways to publish His truth to others. We just need to be prepared for this.

Every day God gives us some experience with Him and others. Some experiences are only for us and some are for others around us. I think I should finally start writing more of the experiences that we have with our Father and the Son of God our Lord to encourage others. Our Father will make this possible.

Thank you for your prayers for us and for baby Sarah who will be one more fighter for Truth.

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