Posted Oct 23, 2010
by Olivia Lennon
in General
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It was about seven years ago when I first heard about the Father and Son’s true identity, from a couple that started attending the local Seventh-day Adventist Church I was a member of. One Sabbath, the lady (who is now a dear friend) mentioned to me things about the Godhead I had not heard before. We started talking about Jesus being begotten of the Father. I really hadn’t stopped to think about what that really meant. It’s amazing how we can read things in Scripture and it doesn’t sink in. My friend started giving me Bible texts and Spirit of Prophecy quotes. I also read through “Christ and His Righteousness” by E. J Waggoner. I could see what she was saying was true and didn’t have a problem accepting that Jesus was the begotten Son of God. However, I did struggle with the Holy Spirit not being a third person. I found it very hard after being an SDA for thirty eight years to now believe there was no third being and that the Holy Spirit is the personal presence of the Father and Son. I remember feeling quite uncomfortable about this but eventually I was willing to listen to what my friend had to share with me. I remember watching a video tape by Lynford Beachy on the Father and Son. Whilst viewing this, I don’t know how to explain what happened to me, but it was like a dark cloud lifted from my mind and for the first time I could see how beautiful this truth was. Tears started welling up in my eyes as God’s Spirit made the passages of scripture I was reading so clear. I could now understand how essential this truth was and I was in total shock. I phoned my friend straight away after watching the video and explained to her what had happened. From then on the Bible became a new book to me. I wanted to share this with my family and church friends. I soon found out that this is an extremely unpopular truth. Eventually through prayer, there were nine of us studying together on Sabbath afternoons. Sometimes we had a few more folk join us. We also started studying the 1888 message of Righteousness by Faith which was another wonderful blessing. How I love that message! Sadly, the spirit in the church became quite hostile towards my friend for sharing these truths. We had a relieving Pastor from Sydney take over from our regular Pastor for about three months. He was apparently an expert in the doctrine of the trinity. He invited the whole church to attend meetings on Sabbath afternoons to discuss the trinity. Our little group decided to continue studying on Sabbath afternoons together and didn’t attend his meetings.Sadly, One Sabbath my friend was asked to leave the church by two police officers (I won’t go into all the details). I remember feeling quite angry towards the Pastor and Elders when I knew how much my friend cared for the souls of the church folk. Since that time we have been studying together in our homes and God has given me a spirit of forgiveness towards the people that were involved. I do sincerely care for them and pray that one day they will be given the opportunity of understanding these truths. What happened next to our little group was devastating. All I can say is that Satan worked like a roaring lion and eventually there were only three of us worshipping together each Sabbath. Studying the true identity and understanding the true character of the Father and Son has been a wonderful blessing. It has brought me close to my heavenly Father and His Son. Before knowing this truth I had a fear motive for wanting to go to Heaven, because I didn’t want to die eternally. Now I want to be with my Heavenly Father because He loves me and gave His only begotten Son for me. I can now understand how much love They have for humanity and the tremendous risk that was involved. I can also see why Satan wants this truth hidden. I will be forever grateful to my dear friend for having such patience and caring enough to share these truths with me. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom though has sent. John 17:3