Maranatha Media

The Birds Will eventually Eat the Bread

Posted Jan 07, 2013 by Bana Puru in General
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Today I had just taken my 30 minute Lunch break and decided to sit outside in an isolated court area, just outside the Hospital I work. While I was eating my chicken sandwich, I had some of the crust left over. With a beautiful blue sky, not a bird or cloud in sight I decided to throw two bits of crust out in the open concrete area.  Where I was sitting was enclosed by concrete walls. As I was eating away at my sandwich, a sparrow out of no-where came along, picked up the crumb and started eating. I started to throw out more bits of bread, but no more birds had come to eat the bread. When the sparrow finished his morsel, he flew 10 meters upward and disappeared over the concrete wall. I went into the Library next to the court where I was eating, and 20 minutes later I came back to that isolated area, and all the bread had gone. I realised that more birds had come to eat the rest of the bread from which the first had started off with. It then dawned on me what God, through nature, was sharing with me. It was as if through this experience the Lord was saying:


“When you are in an isolated situation or when you feel that you are all alone, you are not, I am here with you.  My command is for you to take the bread (the Word of God) and throw it into the air- "the birds will eventually eat the bread”  You may at first not see who takes it and it may not see possible for people to receive the message I have given for you, but be not afraid, I am with you.  When they taste and see that the message regarding the Father and Son, they will know that this is what life is worth living for, they will taste it and see that it is good.  At first it may not be apparent, but once they start to eat of the true message from heaven, it will satisfy the thirsting soul. Continue to wait upon me, continue to watch and pray the work will soon be done”