Maranatha Media

The Character of Christ

Posted Oct 30, 2011 by Cristina Mendoza in Worship of True God
14,306 Hits note: This article reveals the Spirit that we long to see displayed in all our interactions on the Maranatha Media online community. Let us meditate regularly on these words and pray for the sweet Spirit of Jesus to guide every thought and action of our lives.




NOTE: This transcript is taken from E. G. White’s THE DESIRE OF AGES. The page reference have been placed alongside each statement.


At all times and in all places he manifested a loving interest in men, and shed about Him the light of a cheerful piety. 86

He worked to relieve every case of suffering that He saw. 87

He spoke a word of sympathy here and a word there, as He saw men weary, yet compelled to bear heavy burdens. 90

The life of Christ was marked with respect and love for His mother. 90 (There are mothers in Israel that uphold the trinity, but to whom I owe love and respect).

The healing power of love went out from Him to the sick and distressed. 92

He manifested an interest in men’s secular affairs. 151

He spoke with solemn dignity, and both look and tone expressed such earnest love, that sinners were not offended as they realized their humiliating position. 173

His tender compassion fell with a touch of healing upon weary and troubled hearts. 254

His character expressed love in look and tone, and a sweet sympathetic spirit. 254

When He saw men refuse the message of peace, His heart was pierced to the very depths. 255

His heart, that loved and pitied, was a heart of unchanging tenderness. 319

His heart overflowed with love for the whole human race, but He never became indulgent about sin. 356

He who taught the people the way to secure peace and happiness was just as thoughtful of their temporal necessities as of their spiritual needs. 356

His love was not circumscribed to race or nation. 402

He sought not to condemn, but to save. He spoke words of comfort and hope. 462

He was a lover of children. His gentle and kindly manner won their love and confidence. 511

His tender, pitying heart was ever awakened to sympathy by suffering. 533

His enemies read in His calm, solemn face love, benevolence and quiet dignity. 581

During every hour of His life upon the earth, the love of God was flowing from Him in irrepressible streams. 678

His every feature expressed gentleness, and resignation and the tenderest pity for His cruel foes. 735


In principle firm as a rock, His life revealed the grace of unselfish courtesy. 69

From His earliest years He was possessed of one purpose; He lived to bless others. 70

He labored earnestly for humanity 86

He did not contend for His rights. 89

He was always sacrificing Himself for the good of others. 90

He was so emptied of self that He made no plans for Himself. 208

He was so fully surrendered to the will of God that the Father alone appeared in His life. 389

He did not manifest selfish sorrow. 576

His whole life was a life of unselfish service. 642

He did not think of Himself. His care for others was uppermost in His mind. 643


Jesus carried into His labor cheerfulness and tact. 73

He reached the hearts of the people by going among them as one who desired their good. 151

His strong personal sympathy helped to win hearts. 151

He did not meet argument with argument. 171

He had tact to meet the prejudiced minds. 254

He made truth beautiful by presenting it in the most direct and simple way. 253

In all His contacts with rude and violent men, He did not use one unkind or discourteous expression. 515

When He reproved, His words were spoken with the utmost gentleness. 535

It was not His purpose to humiliate His opponents. 594


He shunned display. 74

He did not strive for worldly greatness, and in even the lowest position He was content. 88

He did not contend for His rights. 89

He weeded all vanity from life. 91

He took no measures to bring Himself into notice. 137

His manners were gentle and unassuming. 138

In that life there was no noisy disputation, no ostentatious worship, no act to gain applause. 261

He was never elated by applause, nor dejected by censure or disappointment. 330

He remained true to the humble lot He had accepted. 571

His every feature expressed gentleness and resignation and the tenderest pity for his cruel foes. 735


He never manifested an impatient word or look. 88

In His work He was willing and uncomplaining. 89

He did not retaliate when roughly used, but bore insult patiently. 89

He never became discouraged. 89

He was still of good courage when amid the greatest opposition and most cruel treatment. 330

He was not impatient even though interrupted and robbed of rest. 364

He spoke no words of retaliation. 619

His heart was patient and gentle, and would not be provoked. 700


Neither gain nor pleasure, applause nor censure, could induce Him to consent to a wrong act. 72

He was wise to discern evil, and strong to resist it. 72

He hated but one thing in the world, and that was sin. 88

He could not witness a wrong act without pain, which it was impossible to disguise. 88

His presence brought a purer atmosphere into the home, and His life was a leaven working amid the elements of society. 90

He was the embodiment of purity. 243

He dwelt among men as an example of spotless integrity. 243

His language was pure, refined, and clear as a running stream. 253

He was surrounded with an atmosphere of peace, even amid the turbulence of angry enemies. 254

In the heart of Christ, where reigned perfect harmony with God, there was perfect peace. 330

His life was a rebuke to men’s sins. 587


In principle He was firm as a rock. 69

He possessed a dignity and individuality wholly distinct from earthly pride and assumption. 88

He spoke with solemn dignity. 173

He never purchased peace by compromise. 356

His enemies read in His calm, solemn face, love, benevolence, and dignity. 581

Even under disgraceful treatment, He bore Himself with firmness and dignity. 742


In His industrious life there were no idle moments to invite temptation. 72

He was perfect as a workman, as He was in character. 72

He labored earnestly for humanity. 86

A wise purpose underlayed every act of Christ’s life on earth. 206

His life was crowded with labor and responsibility. 362


He would not enter into controversy, yet His example was as constant lesson. 89

He passed by no human being as worthless, but sought to apply the saving remedy to every soul. 91

To the discouraged, sick, tempted, and fallen, Jesus would speak words of tenderest pity, words that were needed and could be understood. 91

He would not betray secrets that were poured into His sympathizing ear. 92

He saw in every soul one to whom must be given the call to His kingdom. 151

He did not sermonize as men do today. 152

As people heard His words they were warmed and comforted. He spoke of God not as an avenging judge, but as a tender Father. 205

He had nothing to do with subjects of dissension among the Jews. It was His work to present the truth. 253

He taught the Scriptures as of unquestionable authority. 253

He was earnest rather than vehement. 254

He loved to gather the people about Him under the blue heavens, on some grassy hillside, or on the beach beside the lake. 291

He rested by faith in His father’s care. 336

His life was crowded with labor and responsibility; yet how often He was found in prayer. 362

He taught men not to place themselves needlessly in antagonism to establish order. 434

He was not presumptuous, nor would He rush into danger or hasten a crisis. 451

It was not His purpose to humiliate His opponents. 594

“Christ is sitting for His portrait in every disciple.” D.A. 827.

“He is waiting with longing desire for the manifestation of Himself in His church. When the character of Christ shall be perfectly reproduced in His people, then He will come to claim them as His own.” C.O.L. 69

At the time when the danger and depression of the church are greatest, the little company who are standing in the light will be sighing and crying for the abominations that are done in the land. But more especially will their prayers arise in behalf of the church, because its members are doing after the manner of the world. {CET 186.4}

Dan 9:17 Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, and his supplications, and cause thy face to shine upon thy sanctuary that is desolate, (without a literal Son, High Priest and Savior) for the Lord's sake.

Dan 9:18 O my God, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and behold our desolations, (has the glory departed?) and the city which is called by thy name: for we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousnesses, but for thy great mercies.

Dan 9:19 O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken and do; defer not, for thine own sake, O my God: for thy city and thy people are called by thy name.