Maranatha Media

The Desire of a Child's Heart

Posted Dec 07, 2012 by Frank Klin in Testimonies and Stories
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Our heart's cry is for a father who loves us. Some have never known their earthly father, more have been neglected and unloved. Many have been blessed by the love of their father. This was the pattern established in heaven by the ultimate Father who gave all He had for every single person on this planet.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another." - (John 3:16, 1 John 4:11 KJV)

Please pray for the little girl in this testimony from my friend Lisa. Pray that she finds her true Father and experiences the love He is waiting to give her.


A beautiful little girl, that looked a lot like this, minus the hat, entertained the ER wait area every time I passed by this afternoon by calling after me superfluous comments about being a princess, etc.

On one trip back to my office, this delicate adorable little blond bound in to my office behind me and made herself at home. She found my co-workers candy stash and helped herself to a couple pieces, not really asking so much as telling me she was having them.

She told me about her tummy ache, her baby brother and the new baby brother on the way. Continuing in rapid fire child innocence she asked if I knew what she wanted for Christmas.

I of course was about to speculate about dolls, toys, videos, whatever kids like.... when she answered her question somewhat more reflectively saying, "I want Justin to be my Daddy. I have had so many daddies, and I didn't like most of them, but I love Justin and he loves me. I hope Justin will be my Daddy."

As that disclosure was being made, her very pregnant mama showed up in my doorway, and quite a look crossed her face. The little tyke gazed earnestly in to my face, mere inches away.

Quickly, I offered, "then that is just what I want for you too sweetheart!" She put her tiny hand to her heart and said, "It makes me feel happy here to think he might be my Daddy".

Wow...made my heart hurt a little and considered swiping her away to take care of and love... God keep your little angel... ~♥

Here are Lisa's previous testimonies: 

Eau de Compassion

A Hug From Your Father