Maranatha Media

The Father's Love

Posted Nov 05, 2013 by Adrian Ebens in Family and Community
3,270 Hits

Dear Friends,

We are sending a poem that Malinda wrote from the book Identity Wars. You may give to Adrian Ebens (Please). We are enjoying his books. Let’s pray for each other.


The Hershbergers


The Father’s Love
A poem based on the 10th Chapter of Identity Wars
by Malinda Hershberger

They held each other in tender embrace
The silence hung deep in the air
The Son was leaving to come to earth -
To rescue from sin and despair,

Those who were sold to misery and death,
who were held under sin’s dreadful reign.
He was coming to take their lot on himself,
And free them from sin’s icy chain.

For a brief moment the Father and Son
Watch as their mission unfolds.
To see the horror, separation and death
That the future for them holds.

The suffering, rejection, spitting and woe
The scorn and the merciless hate
All pale to nothing compared to the time
When Father and Son separate.

The Son sees millennia of guilt and rebellion
And sees himself shake as a leaf.
Torn by the sense of His Father’s leaving
And filled with horror and grief.

How can the Father thus give up His dear one
To the possibility of loss?
And let Him be separated from Himself,
To bear our death on the cross.

There are no guarantees of success or failure
The world could be gained – or gone.
How could they even entertain such a plan?
- Yet love for the lost drives them on.

That long pause which seems like eternity, ends
They decide to carry out the plan.
One final look at His Father’s loving face
And He comes to rescue man!

He came to break the powers of death and sin,
And bring us from the dark grave.
He bore the separation, the grief and the loss,
For the ones that He came to save.

