Maranatha Media

The Fruit of the Spirit - Peace

Posted Jan 30, 2011 by Adrian Ebens in Devotional - Blog
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This afternoon I have sensed the Spirit of God close to me. I have felt a sense of peace and calm that has made me feel like an adoring child in his Father's lap, knowing he is secure and safe.

I have felt a deeper yearning to be near my Saviour

I have stood in wonder and admiration that the glory of all heaven would take my nature and was not ashamed to call me His brother. Who can comprehend such love.

I have sensed the majesty and power of God as revealed in His Law. How mighty is the God who made the heavens and the earth. How infinite and vast are His thoughts and His ways past finding out.

I know I have sensed these things because of the prayers of those I love. I can only plead with my Saviour that all who read this, will be granted to walk the path I walked today and sense the wonder, majesty and peace of our God.

May the God of peace comfort your hearts, bless your souls and strengthen your mind according to His mercy, compassion and grace.

Lord Jesus hear my plea for all who read this, please ask the Father to send us your Spirit in abundance that we may conquer every vestige of the flesh.

Thank you for hearing this prayer.