Maranatha Media

The Gift of the Sabbath

Posted Apr 16, 2010 by Adrian Ebens in The Sabbath
7,942 Hits

I was reading in Early Writings for devotions this morning and was impressed by this statement

"I saw that the holy Sabbath is, and will be, the separating wall between the true Israel of God and unbelievers; and that the Sabbath is the great question to unite the hearts of God's dear, waiting saints."  EW 33

It is not the simple act of believing in the Sabbath that sets God's people apart, it is the context of how Adventists found the Sabbath. It was found in the light of the midnight cry. It was found walking through the door that no man could shut and shutting the door that no man could open. The Sabbath was found through the light of the 2300 day prophecy.

In this context, the commitment or decision to keep the Sabbath is an act of faith trusting that God will supply the needed wisdom and blessing to rest in that day. It is the mark of sanctification between us and our God. Ez 20:12.

In recent weeks I have found great blessing and comfort in making a decided effort to remember the Sabbath. No longer rushing about in a frantic panic, but simply making the Sabbath a bigger priority in my life and preparing for it.

There is great blessing in the Sabbath even as the Lord our God has promised. I pray you too will find this blessing.