Maranatha Media

The Patience of Jesus

Posted Mar 22, 2012 by Adrian Ebens in Devotional - Blog
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Matt 5:3  Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

In the last few days as I have been thinking on the life of Jesus, I have felt poor in my character. I am grateful to have this sense of my lack, for it drives me to my knees with the urgent request for the sweet character of Jesus. I have decided to read and mediate on the article The Character of Christ every day and pray that I might possess all the things listed there.

A few things that really spoke to me in the last two days

He did not meet argument with argument. DA 171

He did not contend for His rights. DA 89

and especially this one,

He never manifested an impatient word or look. DA 88

As I let that last sentence lighten my soul, I thought about how much my character is tainted with impatience. Often hidden from others, but alive and flourishing in my poor heart. It creeps into my heart when my wife and children interreupt my work for an extended period. It puts a shadow on my soul when my children fail to do what I have told them resulting in further expense or inconvenience. Often hidden from others, yet the seeds of this weed are still in the heart and spoil my soul.

Dear Father

How I need the Spirit of your Son. I ask forgiveness for my impatience. I want to be always patient, loving, gracious and caring. I believe your victory is mine Lord Jesus and that I can drink the living water of patience continually. I thank you Father for granting my request for myself and for all who read this.
I thank you in Jesus name.

While there is still time and Jesus intercedes in the Most Holy Place, I have opportunity to ask for a pure and clean character. I determine to avail myself of the precious privilege and ask, ask, ask believing that I shall receive in Jesus name.