Maranatha Media

The Sanctification of the Sabbath Carries us through the Week

Posted Mar 05, 2011 by Adrian Ebens in The Sabbath
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Eze 20:12 Also I gave them my Sabbaths as a sign between us, so they would know that I the LORD made them holy.

All who regard the Sabbath as a sign between them and God, showing that He is the God who sanctifies them, will represent the principles of His government. They will bring into daily practice the laws of His kingdom. Daily it will be their prayer that the sanctification of the Sabbath may rest upon them. Every day they will have the companionship of Christ and will exemplify the perfection of His character. Every day their light will shine forth to others in good works.  {6T 353}

It has been our personal experience in the past month to experience a greater joy under the government of God through the sanctification of the Sabbath. As we have asked the Lord to help us follow the guidelines of Sabbath observance in 6T 449-368 and fully committed ourselves to have the blessing of the Sabbath, we have felt the sanctification of the Sabbath - the spirit of Christ resting more fully upon us.

What a joy it was yesterday to have our whole family working together in joy and laughter, getting ready for the Sabbath. What a joy to see my 13 year old son working hard (despite feeling a quite tired) preparing for the Sabbath.

We have seen several changes in our home that have blessed us. We are more efficient in our work during the week. We have noticed greater creativity, greater patience, better health, better trust in the Lord's leading. We praise the Lord for the Spirit of Christ that comes in abundance through the Sabbath - the sign between Him and us that He is sanctifiying us.

We love the Sabbath, it is our Saviour's special day for He is the Lord of the Sabbath Mark 2:28. We pray that all us may enjoy the fellowship of the Father and Son on the Sabbath.