Maranatha Media

The Son of Abraham

Posted Aug 23, 2013 by Gino DeBartolo in General
3,135 Hits

My thoughts this morning centered upon Abraham who was a type of the Father and Isaac, who was a type of Christ and the sacrifice both the Father and Christ would make.
When Abraham was talking to God about an heir and suggested to God that his servant would be his heir, then God said no, this would not do because it does not demonstrate My sacrifice and who the Son is, Abraham one from your own body will be the Heir. If Christ was simply just another God, not coming out of the Father, then a servant would have been fine as an example but no this is not the truth, it must be a True Son, one born from Abraham himself that could only demonstrate the Truth, and it could not be one that was born to a bondwoman but of necessity one born Free.
You may have covered this already, in previous articles, just some thoughts 
Be Blessed.