Maranatha Media

There Remaineth therefore a Rest to the People of God

Posted Oct 07, 2014 by Gino DeBartolo in The Son of God
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What did the Sabbath Represent? In the beginning, at each step of Creaton, God saw that it was good, and when He had finished His Creation, He instituted The Sabbath to crown His Creation in that it was good, a perfect work. So the Sabbath Represents a perfect work after which He Rested. In Hebrews we are admonished to enter into His Rest, to accept the Perfect Work completed for us at the foundation of the world, what does this mean, well here are my thoughts, That Character which God wants to give us, is His own Character, finnished for us from the foundation of the world, which many failed to receive because of unbelief, for He swore in His wrath, that because of their unbelief they could not enter into His Rest. Yet He tells us that some must enter in. Christ wants to reveal Himself through us, He wants to give us His Character, and the Sabbath is tied to this, we must cease from our own works which can never develope the needed Character, and must surrender our lives to Him. So we will be able to say with Paul, I live yet not I but Christ lives in and through me.