Maranatha Media

To Know Him Better

Posted Jul 24, 2012 by Evelyn Ebens in The Son of God
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I am speaking of our Beloved Jesus. Dr Gary Hullquist writes in the forward of the book My Beloved

“Pastor Ebens describes in a most personal way his journey of discovery in finding the “One Altogether lovely,” hearing his voice etc…

Some Hymn writers have written their testimony to a similar close relationship with their Saviour.

“I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses,
and the voice I hear falling on my ear,
the Son of God discloses
and He walks with me
and He talks with me
and He tells me I am His own.
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.”
- Austin Miles Hymn 487

Until reading the book My Beloved, I have kept Jesus at a distance, I didn’t mean to. Now I realise that it is vital to be very close to our Saviour as described in My Beloved page 112. Just like the man who trusted Blondin enough to take him across the tightwire over Niagara falls, we need to trust Jesus implicitly.

“If you believe the path to heaven is simply a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge, would you need to cling to the back of your mediator for dear life? No! You could walk at 30 feet from him and still suffer no harm. You would not need to get so close to your Saviour, so you would not have such an awareness of your sins…”

Revelation 3:20  “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.” Feeding on spiritual bread amen?

I have often recited this text and thought “Yes – I am glad I let Him in, but now I realise, I left Him standing just inside the door. As someone said “We simply add Jesus to everything else in our lives, we squeeze Him in.”

We leave Him standing at the back door, while we just go on merrily forgetting. How rude. No wonder He says in Revelation 3:16 “I will vomit you out of my mouth!” How repulsive! So friends, let us open the door to our hearts (our very being) wide. Ask Him to come right in, make Himself comfortable; ask Him to be absolute Lord in our lives.

It is no use making Heaven our goal if we don’t really want to be close to the Maker! I would like to close with a quote from Adrian’s article Christ My Meditation.

“But I turn my heart towards you and I wait, wait for you to be formed in me. You have searched for me all my life and I have run from you not knowing who you were.”

Dearest Saviour, my dearest Friend, please show me the way home…