Maranatha Media

Torn Apart

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Because of sin

The Father and the Son were torn apart as it were--

Prov.8:22*"The Lord possessed Me at the beginning-

When He prepared the heavens I was there-

When He marked out the foundations of the earth then I was beside Him

as a master craftsman;

I was daily His delight-rejoicing always before Him!"

What a beautiful relationship!

But then.....

Because of our sin

John 3:16*

For God SO LOVED the world that


that whoso ever believes in Him

shalt NOT perish-

but HAVE everlasting life!

The Father blessed Jesus at His baptism-

"This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased" and yet--

Rom 8:32-He spared not His OWN Son!"

What glorious Love!

...for 33 years they were separated, only able to communicate through prayer.

Then-John 17:5

in the garden of Gethsemane we see Jesus agonizing in prayer-

He desperately needed His Father!

"O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself,

with the glory which I had with You before the world was."

Then--the next day, as Jesus was dying on that awful tree-

Heavens' light was withdrawn*Luke 23:44

There was darkness till the ninth hour

The temple veil was rent in two!

There was an earthquake-

Dear Jesus-at His last gasping breath-

"FATHER into Your hands I commend My spirit"

He was now in the  Father's care

we find over 2 dozen times that the Father raised His SON to life again

Jesus had completely surrendered His life to His Father


Oh..Glorious Love!