Maranatha Media

Touching Story of a Young Orphan's Return Home

Posted Apr 20, 2012 by Jonathan Otto in Outreach (Preach Unto Them)
3,969 Hits

Hi there my friends!

I just got back from doing some rural food distributions today as part of the Turkana Feed Africa Project. It was an amazing experience. We had an orphan with us in the car. It wasn't until this car ride that I came to know his full story. He hadn’t seen his grandmother and siblings for a year, as poverty had driven them to send him to the orphanage. Just seeing the excitement in his eyes, as we were getting closer to his home was fascinating to me. Seeing this little boy long for the same things I long for: love, friends, family, belonging, a home. He would stand up on the seat trying to look ahead.


You can watch the video I shot. It has the new Otto Brothers song 'If you Don't Know What to Say.'

CLICK HERE if the video screen is not visible.


Yet this was a distinct aspect of getting these children back to their families by empowering their farming abilities. So as we were bringing seed and fertiliser we were bringing a much greater gift to these family; a child that they couldn't afford to have live with them. The children's mother had died and the grandmother is left with the responsibility and is struggling to provide for them. So Hosea is looked after by Robin's Nest Children's Homes.


Sitting behind the camera as I would get a close up of his face, I would see his emotions fluctuate; I saw excitement, longing, immense joy and also fear. He cried when asked to sit with his siblings. I guess he just couldn’t find where he would fit it, and perhaps he wondered if they would like him. The youngest sibling didn’t know who he was. Yet the other siblings were happy to have him home. Some just calmly ushered him in, and others, especially the younger ones were fascinated and they gazed at him smiling. When I would see his eyes connect with another child saw him light up in with this beautiful innocent grin.


Soon this boy will be able to stay at home forever, and it won't be a 3 week holiday next time around, as the maize produce brings food and opportunity to the family. The uncontrollable rejoicing, of the grandmother was a sign to me that she saw a greater hope in this small offering, which to us was worth $45 dollars but to her it was worth the world. Hosea's holiday at home is a foretaste of him being able to spend a lifetime with his family, once they reap their harvest and continue to move forward.


Truth is, none of this would be possible without our supporters. In fact this was just one person that gave and trusted the money would get there. And it did, well that's Joshua's grandmother was so thankful about. Hosea on the other hand wouldn't know who that person is that gave, or understand the concept of international relief and development, but he knows what it is like to feel love, and to be home.


Life is precious,

Jonathan Otto

Feed Africa Team Leader

P.S We are going back out tomorrow and Friday to reach out to more families that have been identified as in serious need by local committees, and will spend existing funds, and the extra donations that are coming in as we go. Next week our team is headed to Turkana where there have been fatalities, due to starvation, to do emergency relief and conduct a very similar project with seed and fertiliser. Love to have you involved so we can make a difference that is felt.

CLICK HERE for an update and opportunity to help the project in Turkana.