Maranatha Media

Trusting in the Lord for His Divine Healing

Posted Aug 10, 2011 by Susan Swayze in General
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(Because some in our church either have had, or are presently dealing with, cancer and we have several physicians who rely on pharmaceuticals rather than natural means for cures, I felt I had to be delicate in my wording.  Following is what the Holy Spirit guided me in writing.)

First of all, what I am going to say is NOT about me….never has been, nor will it be.  This is about God and His
blessings to me.  God blesses each one of us in our own individual way according to His will so please don’t do any comparison checks here.  Please know that what I am going to tell you is coming straight from the bottom of my heart.  Some may agree with my blessing and some may disagree; and that’s okay.  It is not my intent to disparage anyone.  If even just one person is encouraged by my testimony all praise belongs to God.  Please do not look to me….I am “one of the least of these”….look to Jesus.

Four and a half years ago I was diagnosed with cancer.  Had major surgery and was later told that it was so small there’d be a less than 1% chance of it returning.  That was the best news…but my attempts at changing my eating habits seemed less important and soon fell by the wayside.

One year after my surgery the cancer had returned….so much for statistics!  That news was followed by 3 months of treatment.  This time I got more serious about what I ate or didn’t eat until a week away from home broke all my new rules…again!!

Two years later…now it’s early December 2010…and x-rays reveal a spot on my lung.  I was sure this was ‘it’….three times and out.  So sure was I that my journey was almost over, and not wanting to ruin my children’s Christmas, I didn’t tell them about the x-ray until after the New Year began.  The x-ray was followed by CT scans and PET scans all saying the same thing.  There was a spot on my lung; more than one but ‘they’ said only one was significant.  During all this testing I have never prayed so fervently in my life nor trusted God more fully.  I told the Lord that the first two times I’d had cancer I went along with conventional treatment and both times it returned.  This time it was between Him and me.  There’d be no conventional treatment but He’d have to guide me and give me wisdom I didn’t have and I would follow His lead.  I read everything I could get my hands on about how to eat properly…and I’m still reading.  I researched everywhere for natural ways to heal cancer.  I did an in-depth study in Scripture on healing.  I could not afford to go to any treatment facility but God led me to an Adventist-run facility halfway across the country that would guide me through this journey while I stayed at home.  And so began my journey of trusting in the Lord for His Divine healing.

The first CT scan was a little over a week after the initial x-ray.  Both radiologists had stated the same size of the spot.  Before doing a biopsy the specialist wanted a PET scan done to see exactly what he was dealing with.  The PET scan was done a month after the first CT scan.  In that one month the spot had shrunk by a third in size.  So now the specialist is saying that while the PET scan reveals the spot is suspect “cancers don’t shrink” and I’m thinking “that’s because you don’t know the power of God”!  Because the spot had shrunk in one month the specialist advised putting off the biopsy and doing another CT scan in 3 months to see if the spot was still shrinking.

Although in that one month I’d been reading, learning and changing my lifestyle, I knew that the spot shrinking had more to do with what God was doing than with what I was doing.

My 3 months were up mid-April.  That CT scan revealed there were no spots on my lung.  And so I say…to God be all the praise, honor and glory now and throughout the ceaseless ages of Eternity!

I don’t know about tomorrow…but I know Who holds tomorrow.