Maranatha Media

Two cents change

Posted Mar 02, 2012 by Adrian Ebens in Testimonies and Stories
3,392 Hits

I received this heart warming story revealing the wonderful care of our Heavenly Father and I wanted to share it with you.

I'd like to take a moment to share a personal story. Feel free to use it, but--if using it in printing, just change my name to help guard humility. I'm one of what the Aussie's would call a pensioner. My income is presently limited to my SSI (disability) check of less than $1000 US each month. That being said, I live in government subsidized housing. I've learned how to manage things so that generally at the end of the month--there are still a few bucks in my account as the month draws to a close. I wanted to share this story with you, to speak of the power of God, and how concerned he is with the tiniest details in our lives.

About one week ago I went into the kitchen to feed my cat. When I opened the plastic canister her dry food is stored in--I realized it was empty. I got down on my knees, and petitioned the LORD in prayer. Praying presumptuously is not how I like to pray--but in spite of my weaknesses, when I reflect back on miracle after miracle the LORD has wrought out in my life--trusting in Jesus is the way I choose to live.

This month I had an $80 bill for some minor work to get done on my notebook computer. The one-year warranty expired around January 15 of this year.

I poured my heart out to the LORD. "Heavenly Father, you've told me in your Holy Word that I may approach your throne with boldness; and I know you can see me from the inside out. With the computer repair this month being almost ten percent of my SSI check, I haven't planned well. I know that if it breaks Your heart to see a bird die, and if even know the number of hairs on my head, that you care about my service animal (cat)."

Right then and there, the LORD spoke to my heart. It was not an audible voice. "Call Barbara." Barbara is a friend of mine.

Rather than asking any further questions, I rang Barbara on her cell phone. (She lives about 2-3 miles from my apartment." It turned out that she and her sister were at a beauty parlor getting their pedicures done--about a 10-minute walk for me on my Canadian (forearm) crutches.

As it turned out, the cashier was ringing her up. She was on her way to the Grocery Outlet store, and said she'd pick up a bag of dry cat-food, and I could pay her back next week. I thanked her for her kindness, and concluded the call.

Back on my knees. "Heavenly Father, You know what a finicky eater my little cat is. I know it was You Who spoke to my heart when I heard 'Call Barbara.' Now it's time to exercise my faith, and trust in You for the outcome.

The phone rang. It was Barbara. "Hey Listen, why don't I just drive down the street next to your apartment building and give you some money. You can go to that pet store across the street, ok?"

"Sounds like a plan. I'll head downstairs now." When she drove by, she handed me a $10 bill, and I thanked her.

When I got to the pet store, they had my cat's organic food on sale. It was a little less than $10, but I was concerned how much the sales tax would be. The total bill was $9.98 with tax!

This evening I pooled my resources. I gathered up some small change. The checking account balance was down to thirteen cents, so I had to leave at least a penny in the account to keep it open. I explained the predicament to the clerk, and told him this would probably be the most unusual transaction for one can of cat food. The total, with tax was sixty cents. My pocket change was forty-eight cents.

Now I'm not real good with mathematics, but to think how the LORD already knew there was a solution; it was up to me to step out on faith and trust Him.