Maranatha Media

Two extremes

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Today I have read few chapters of 1888 Materials and I came to this statement which I believe describe very well the present condition of many of us regarding Righteousness by faith:


"While one class pervert the doctrine of justification by faith and neglect to comply with the conditions laid down in the Word of God--"If ye love me, keep my commandments,"--there is fully as great an error on the part of those who claim to believe and obey the commandments of God but who place themselves in opposition to the precious rays of light--new to them--reflected from the cross of Calvary. The first class do not see the wondrous things in the law of God for all who are doers of His Word. The others cavil over trivialities, and neglect the weightier matters, mercy and the love of God.

     Many have lost very much in that they have not opened the eyes of their understanding to discern the wondrous things in the law of God. On the one hand, religionists generally have divorced the law and the gospel, while we have, on the other hand, almost done the same from another standpoint. We have not held up before the people the righteousness of Christ and the full significance of His great plan of redemption. We have left out Christ and His matchless love, brought in theories and reasonings, and preached argumentative discourses." 1888 822