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War, War...We Cannot Accept Peace On Such Conditions

Posted Nov 23, 2010 by Lorelle Ebens in Devotional - Blog
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Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. Jude 24.
In these last days, when iniquity shall abound, and the love of many shall wax cold, God will have a people to glorify His name, and stand as reprovers of unrighteousness. They are to be a "peculiar people," who will be true to the law of God when the world shall seek to make void its precepts; and when the converting power of God works through His servants, the hosts of darkness will array themselves in bitter and determined opposition. . . . There will be a constant conflict from the time of our determination to serve the God of heaven, until we are delivered out of this present evil world. There is no release from this war. . . . {AG 333.2}
Our work is an aggressive one, and as faithful soldiers of Jesus, we must bear the blood-stained banner into the very strongholds of the enemy. . . . If we will consent to lay down our arms, to lower the blood-stained banner, to become the captives and servants of Satan, we may be released from the conflict and the suffering. But this peace will be gained only at the loss of Christ and heaven. We cannot accept peace on such conditions. Let it be war, war, to the end of earth's history, rather than peace through apostasy and sin. {AG 333.3}

No dinner party on the battle field!

No release from this war, no release from the conflict and the suffering, no peace - except at the loss of Christ and heaven - we cannot accept peace on such conditions.

In the daily battles that sometimes seem to overwhelm me, I desire peace.  Reading a quote like this one helps - I am resolved and determined to serve the true God of Heaven, so I can expect opposition from the enemy from this day, until the end of my days on this earth.

Praise God, He has given so many promises to help us and keep us in this conflict:  He will keep us all from falling, as we maintain our conflict with the enemy each day, knowing that He has promised He will never leave us nor forsake us, and will provide all our needs.

I choose to claim His promises to fight the good fight of faith today, and every day.