Maranatha Media

We have learned so much in the last five years

Posted Feb 11, 2016 by Jeanette Torres in Testimonies and Stories
2,213 Hits

Dear Adrian: I am writing to you regarding my testimony on how I came in contact with your ministry, and what a blessing this has been for me, my family and some friends to whom we have introduced to your ministry. I’ll start by saying that I am from Puerto Rico. I came to the Advent message when I was 17. My husband was raised in the SDA church and our children grew up as Seventh Day Adventists. In 2010, my son, Carlos, introduced us to the truth about the Father and His Son. We were startled and we started searching for the truth on our own. The more we studied the more convinced we were that what we had been taught about the deity was false. This raised so many questions about the advent message and their claim to have the truth for these last days. But, when we started searching on the Internet for the church’s history, we discovered what the pioneers really believed and this was, up to some degree, a relief.

Although it was so sad to see how the church changed their understanding about the true God and His Son, Jesus Christ, we were certain that our Father had established this church on the correct foundation. We continued studying and we shared this with some of our closest friends. Some did study with us and came to accept the truth, but others just didn’t want to even consider the idea of studying. Sadly, they are not so close anymore. We pray for our brethren every day hoping that they will see the light for these last days. We still attend our SDA church, since they haven’t asked us to leave yet. Most of them know about our beliefs, but they don’t ask any questions on the matter.

Now, how did I come in contact with your ministry? On the fall of 2013, one Friday night (Sabbath) my husband and a young friend of ours were searching to find some sermons to watch on Youtube and my husband saw the title “The God of the Midnight Cry”. He knew that it had to be an Adventist message, so he went to me and asked me to watch it, which I did, and since they aren’t so fluent in English, they watched another presentation in Spanish. After that I continued watching other presentations you had on Youtube and I also came in contact with other ministries like Talking Rock Sabbath Chapel and others. I then came to watch on live streaming the presentations on the Feast of Tabernacles and it was a real blessing. I asked my son Carlos to watch some of the presentations and he did.

We continued watching other presentations and we were blessed. A few months later, early 2014, I was struggling with depression and guilt. I felt that I had failed so much in so many areas of my life as a Christian because of a family issue. For this I was feeling such a burden. I was praying asking our Father to forgive me, but I still felt depressed, and that’s when I received a package in the mail. I was so surprised, because I hadn’t ordered anything. I called my husband and asked him if he had ordered some material for me from Talking Rock”, because I received a package with some DVD’s, CD’s and the book “Identity Wars”. He told me that he had not ordered anything. I never subscribed to their website or Youtube channel and yet I received this package with my name on it. It was a mystery.

I told my son about what had happened and he thought it was unexplainable. With the materials there was a note from Frank Klin, saying: “Here is the material that you requested.” I thought to myself, An angel did this. There isn’t any other explanation. That same day I started reading “Identity Wars” and I understood that it was God who sent it. I don’t know how it came to be, but I know the Lord did it. I also watched the DVD’s on “Identity Wars” and I came to understand so many things and I am thankful for the way He has led us as a family. I’ve never again felt depressed. I’m so thankful for His Love and kindness.

The Lord has blessed us tremendously with your ministry. We (my son and I) have read all your books and have been blessed by your presentations and articles. Since some of your books have been translated to Spanish, a couple of our friends have been able to read some of them and they agree that they have learned so much from them. We have also learned so much about the divine pattern and the character of God. Very often we read something in the word of God and we can relate to the pattern of Source and Channel and understand other texts that seemed difficult, concerning God’s wrath.

We have come to understand about the appointed times and last year we got together as a small group (my husband, my mother, my son, his wife, his in-laws and a couple of our friends and we were spiritually blessed. It was awesome. Some years ago we heard about the appointed times through some other ministries in South America, but we didn’t come around to celebrating them until last year, when we were convinced of their validity. I share with my husband what I learn, that he can’t, due to the language barrier, and he agrees that these last years have been the best years of our lives. We have grown spiritually. We have come to know the Lord in a whole different way and we can continue to know Him and His Son for whom they really are. I’ve learned more in these 5 years than what I had learned in 37 years in the SDA church.

I know there is so much more to learn and I am so grateful to Our Father and His Son for their love and their patience with me. I am also grateful for ministries like yours that have brought so much light to our lives. I know that the Lord led us to the right places on the Internet when we were eagerly searching for the truth. I pray that you continue to be blessed and that you continue sharing these amazing truths with people all around the world. I thank the Lord and pray everyday for your ministry, so you may bless others as well. We are always looking forward to your articles and presentations.

God bless you and your family.
