Maranatha Media

Who Has Created the Stars and All Things? A Testimony from Serbia

Posted Jul 28, 2011 by Borislav Subotin in General
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Greetings Brothers and Sisters.  My name is Borislav.  I was encouraged to share some of my testimony so here I am. English is not my first language so if the words are not right I know you will understand.

I was born in Germany. When I was only six months old, my parents came to Serbia, since we are of Serbian origin. My wife and I live in the city called Zrenjanin, here in Serbia. At birth I was diagnosed with the disease Hemophilia A.  Because of this I always wondered what is the purpose of life, and why was life so hard?

I lost my father when I was 6 years, and my mother was sick with asthma. My young life I spent in the hospital and I never had real joy in my youth. When I was nine years old I was almost immobile with my legs. It was a very difficult time for me.

When I was 12 years old my mother took me to a hospital in another city and there I stayed for 4 years, without a break. It was the Institute for Mothers and Children and many mothers stayed with their children at the hospital but my mother could not because she had to school my older brother. There I was in rehab and a lot of people sick from Hemophilia also. It was hell for me.

My family grew up in an Orthodox church, and I did not really know the Lord. It was so hard for me in the hospital that I prayed to God with all my heart as I thought it should be and I prayed to God to do miracle for me to walk again. I prayed every day with crying, hidden so that no one would see me.

Children that were lying in that hospital with the same problems unfortunately did not have the progress that is expected and for which they hoped. This created fear that it would be the same with me, so I cried and cried out to God even more. As time passed my condition was getting better and better and God did a miracle then!! My condition fully recovered and I was walking normal again! I cannot describe the joy I had. Even now the joy is there as I remember what God did for me. Then I really started to believe in God and I started looking for Him.

In our town was an Adventist pastor from Australia and he was giving a lecture in archeology and the Bible. I was very attracted to that and I went every evening to listen and my mind and heart every night felt God's call to surrender completely to Him.

One evening during his lecture in the public hall the pastor said to us that we need to raise our eyes up at the stars and the he looked up and yelled, “Who created the stars and all things?” That evening after the class I went outside looking at the night sky and asked the question the pastor had asked.  I looked to the heavens and shouted, “Who has created the stars and all things ! ! ?”

That night I had a special dream! I dreamed of Jesus, and He told me in my dream if I want Him I need to want Him with whole my heart, with whole my soul, with whole my mind. The dream was so real for me that I woke up all sweaty. I did not sleep well the rest of the night because the dream was a big impression on me.

The next morning I took the Bible, which I was received as a gift, and opened up to a place where it was written: "And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:  And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. " Mark 12. 29,30. That verse I'd never read before! Then it was clear what I should do and from that moment I surrendered my life to Him.

That happened in March of 1994 and June of that year I was baptized in the Adventist church. Before that I studied the Bible a lot and I believe that I was completely converted. I was 18 years old. I praise the Lord with all my heart because He did for me magnificent things and He still does!!

Shortly thereafter, I began to hold Bible classes with people that God has given me and since then I have a wonderful experience to work for Jesus. I am very happy when I see those people with whom I studied the Bible and who have been baptized and who continue to be baptized now.

When I held Bible classes one thing bothered me! I could never explain the trinity.  Because I did not understand much I started to research the topic in the history of Christianity. I found the issue when people began to speak in history about false preachers. When I compared what they were saying with the Bible and the spirit of prophecy the truth about God and His Son and His spirit so lighted up in me that 11 years ago I was brought a new joy and conversion.

Now I had the task to speak to all who were baptized from my work.  I wanted them to understand the truth about God who can save them. God gave me the success and my friends who were baptized by my work all accepted the truth about God, except one girl who married and moved away and I could not find her.

Since I recognized the call of God for me in 2001, to work in His Vineyard full time, I just do that. One Bible class that lead to conversion was with a wonderful lady who is now my wife. She was baptized three years ago and now we have a battle together for truth!!

In my church there are about 20 people, maybe a little more, who understand the glorious truth about our Father and His Son. We continue to talk about it to other people in the church and to the people who I study the Bible with for baptism.

The church is asleep and has made us a lot of problems because we do not believe in trinity. Please pray for our basic needs because the church does not give us support right now for what we do. They only want our friends to whom my wife and I study the Bible with. We fight to be brave in God’s name because we trust in God and people continue to be baptized into the church.

About 50 kilometers from our city there is a brother who is an elder in the church who accepted the truth about God when I spoke to him and his family. Now he fights for the church for people to understand. He has big problems in the church because of that with some people, as we, but we are trying to work through God's wisdom, not by force.

Also, my wife and I have talked in other places about that truth and we’ve had success by the grace of God. We are asking Him to lead us to those who are honest in faith and when He does it is a special experience to meet with them.

It would take a lot of time and text to tell all the wonderful experiences God has given to me and my wife in ministering to the people that God has given us. May He and His Son receive eternal praise and glory!!  Will share more next time.  Just remember that even with all the bad things in life that we all have, God has a plan for all of us. The plan is to be completely faithful to Him, for our good, and He will then be able to lead us where we need to go.

I am very thankful to God for all He does for us, especially because He has His people, who are honest and who are right before Him. Now more than ever we need to stand firm on the eternal truth. There comes a time when we may not be able to work. Today is the time! We just have to be brave and go forward! God bless Maranatha Media and all the brothers and sisters who are fighting for purity of faith!!