Maranatha Media

Wonderful Beautiful Saviour

Posted Nov 23, 2022 by Adrian Ebens in Devotional - Blog
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This morning I awoke with beautiful song in my mind. I am sure the angels were singing it to me to encourage me and seal into my heart the precious thoughts I had pondered yesterday in the sufferings of our Saviour each day and the agony of Father and Son just to give us life on this earth. 

Surely there can be no greater theme than this? The silent suffering of our infinite God in the face of men's harsh thoughts, words and actions. 

My heart is drawn so sweetly into the embrace of my Saviour. He calls ever so gently to walk with Him this selfless path. My flesh trembles and seeks to withdraw; my knowledge of my past tells me this path can't be entered into without some aspect of my depravity manifesting itself to me if not to others. 

But I can't bear the thought of not walking with my Saviour. Just to hold His hand and let Him know I am with Him, thinking of Him and thanking Him for His suffering For me. How can I turn away and just fill myself with my own thoughts? How could I be so selfish in the face of His suffering. Can I not watch with Him, even for one hour? 

Lord I come to you on the water by faith...