Maranatha Media

Wonderful Names for our Wonderful Lord

Posted Dec 11, 2011 by Evelyn Ebens in The Son of God
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Wonderful Names for our Wonderful Lord

from book by Horton & Hurlburt

Altogether Lovely-SOS 5:16

Ancient of Days-Dan 7:13-14

Angel of His Presence-Isa-63:9

Angel of the Lord-Gen 22:15

Hiding Place-Isa 32:2

Rivers of Water-Isa:32:2

Babe-Luke 2:12

Balm of Gilead-Jer 8:22

The Branch-Zech 6:12

Branch of the Lord-Isa 4:2

Branch out of His Roots-Isa 11:1

Bridegroom-Mathew 25:10

Bundle of Myrrh-SoS 1:13

Captain of Host-Josh 5:14

Carpenter-Mark 6:3

Certain Nobleman-Luke 19:12

Certain Samaritan-10:33

Chiefest among 10,000-SoS 5:10

The Child-Isa 7:16

Child Jesus-Luke 2:43

Chosen of God-Luke 23:35

Christ-Math 16:16

Christ of God-Luke 9:20

Christ the Lord-Luke 2:26

Christ the Son..Mark 14:61

Cluster of Camphire-SoS 11:14

Commander-Isa 55:4

Consolation of Israel-Luke 2:25

Counsellor-Isa 9:6

Covert from Tempest-Isa 32:2

Crown of Glory-Isa 28:5

David their King-Jer 30:9

The Daysman-Job 9:33

Dayspring.. on High-Luke 1;78

Diadem of Beauty-Isa 28:5

Emmanuel-Math 1:23

Ensign of the People-Isa 11:10

Everlasting God-Isa40;28

Everlasting Father-Isa 9:6

Exellent-Psalm 148:13

Feeder-Eze 34:23

Fortress-Psalm 18:2

Foundation-Isa 28:16

Friend of Sinners-Math 11:19

Friend that sticks-Prov 18:24

Glorious throne to His Father’s House-Isa 22:23

Glory…..Luke 2:32

God my Saviour-Luke 1:47

God of….Earth-Isa 54:5

Good Master-Mark 10:17

Governor-Mark 2:6

Great Light-Isa 9:2

Great Prophet-Luke 7:16

Guest-Luke 19;7

Headstone…Psalm 118:22

The Highest-Luke 1:76

Him..I Loveth-Sos 3:2

His only Begotten Son-John 3:16

Heir-Mark 12:7

Holy One of GodMark 1:24

Holy One of Israel-Isa 49:7

Hope of…..-Joel 3:16

Hope of Israel-Jer 14:8

Horn of Salvation-Luke 1:69

Lord Mighty in Battle-Psam 24:8

Lord of Hosts-Isa 6:3

The Lord my God-Zech 14:5

Jesus-Math 1:21

Jesus Christ-Math 1:1

Jesus the Christ-Math 16:20

The King-Zech 14:16

King in His Beauty-Isa 33:7

King of GloryPsalm 24:10

King of IsraelJohn 1:49

King of the Jews-Mark 15:2

King over Earth-Zech 14:4

The King’s Son-Psalm 72:1

His Annointed *Psalm 2;2

My King *Psalm 2;6

The Son *Psalm 2;12

Lamb of God-John 1:29

Leader-Isa 55:4

Lifter..mine head-Psalm 3:3

Light of Israel-Isa 10:17

Light of Men-John 1:4

Light/Gentiles-Isa 42;6

Light of Morning-2 Sam 23:4

Light to Gentiles-Luke 2;32

Lilly of the Valley-SoS 2:1

Lord of Sabbath-Luke 6:5

The Lord’s Christ-Luke 2:26

Man of Sorrows-Isa 53:3

Manna-Ex 16:31

Master-Math 23:8

Master of House-Luke 13:25

Meal offering-Lev 2:1

Messenger/covenant Mal 3:1

Messiah-John 4:25

Mighty God-Isa 9:6

Mine Elect-Isa 42:1

My Beloved-Math 12:18

My Beloved Son- “    “

My First Born-Psalm 89:27

My Glory-Psalm 3;3

My High Tower-Psalm 144:2

My Maker-Isa 54:5

My Physician-Jer 8:22

My Portion-Jer 10:16

My Righteous Servant/Isa 53:11

My Rock and…Psalm 31:3.

My Servant-Zech 3:8

My Shepherd-Psalm 23:1

My Strength,my Song/Isa 12:2

My Strong Rock-Psalm 31:2

Nail Fastened…Isa 22:23…

Nazarene-Math 2:23

Ointment….SoS 1:3

One Son Beloved-Mark 12:6

Only Begotten of Father:John 1:14..

Our Brother-Mark 3:35

Our Lawgiver-Isa 33:22

Our Potter-Isa 64:8

Peace Offering-Lev 3:1

Plant of Renown-Eze 34:29

Polished Shaft-Isa 49:2

Prince of Peace-Isa 9:6

Prince of Princes-Dan 8:26

Prophet Mighty-Luke 24:19

Prophet of Nazareth-Math 21:11

Purifier-Mal 3:3

Rabbi-John 1:49

Rain…..-Psalm 72:6

Ransom-Mark 10:45

Redeemer-Isa 59:20

Refiner-Mal 3:3

Refuge-Isa 25:4

Resting Place-Jer 50:6

Restorer-Psalm 23:3

Righteous Branch-Jer 23:5

Rock of Ages-Isa 32:2

Rock /Salvation-2 Sam 22:47

Rock/Higher-Psalm 61:2

Rod…Isa 11:1

Root-Isa 11:10

Rose of Sharon-Sos 2:1

RulerMicah 5:2

Salvation of God-Luke 2:30

Sanctuary-Isa 8:14

Sceptre-Numb 24:17

Chosen Servant ..Math 12:18

Shadow (shade)Isa 25:4

“”  ‘’ in weary land-Isa 32:2

Shepherd of Israel-Eze 34:23

Shiloh Gen 49:10

Showers….Psalm 72;6

Sign-Luke 2:34

Son of Abraham-Math 1:1

Son of David-      same

Son of God-John 1:34

Son of Man-Mark 10 :33

Son of Mary-Mark 6:3

Sower-Mark 13:37

Star-Numb 24:17

Stone cut out…-Dan 2:34-35

Stone of Israel-Gen 49:24

Stranger 7 Alien-Psalm 69:8

Strength to….Isa 25:4

Strong Tower-Psalm 61:3

Stronghold  -Nahum 1:7

Sun of Righteousness-Mal 4:2

Sure Foundation-Isa 28:16

Tender Grass-2Sam 23:4

Everlasting Light-Isa 60;20

Thou Son of the Most High God-Mark 5:7

Tried Stone-Isa 28:16

True Light-John 1:9

Understanding-Prov 8:14

Wall of Fire-Zech 2:5

Wisdom-Prov 8:12

Witness to the People-Isa 55:4

Wonderful-Isa 9:6

WORD-John 1:1

There may be more…you  can decide which names may apply to The Father

I can see now how hymn writers have used these names-can you?