We recommend reading this book first if you have not already.
We recommend this book for further reading.
- What are the steps involved for coming into complete harmony with God?
- Does God require blood to be shed before He will forgive us?
- Did God cause His Son to be killed to pay our debt of sin?
- Why did Jesus compare Himself to being lifted up like the serpent made of brass?
- What is the significance of Moses striking the Rock when He was commanded to speak to it?
- If the human race was taken captive by Satan, who sets the ransom price for our release?
- Is Penal Substitution required for Salvation?
- Is the death of the Cross a Vicarious Atonement for our sins?
- Do the Christian churches teach the complete truth of the Atonement?
Chapters and times for each chapter in audiobook
1. In Search of Atonement
2. The Reformers Context 16:04
3. Divine Justice and Punishment 24:23
4. Adam's Hidden Treachery 34:02
5. I Have Glorified You on Earth 49:24
6. The Throne of Iniquity 59:20
7. Uplifted Serpent 1:18:05
8. Striking the Rock 1:35:24
9. Man's Atonement 1:45:26
10. Where Sin Abounded Grace Did Much More Abound 2:04:50
11. The Slaughter of Innocence 2:21:08
12. The Veil of His Flesh 2:40:02
13. Context for Abraham and Isaac Story 3:07:07
14. The Faith of Abraham 3:29:18
15. Daniel and the Abominable Treachery of the Little Horn 3:56:16
16. William Miller, the Daily and the Transgression of Desolation 4:09:41
17. The Cleansing of the Sanctuary 4:24:45
18. Comparison Between Protestant and Adventist Atonement 4:39:54
19. The Heavenly Sanctuary 4:57:40
20. The Judgment and the Blotting Out of Sin 5:19:27
21. Breaking the Yoke of Covenant Dualism 5:43:24
22. Coming to Manhood - The Cross a Present Thing 6:10:00
23. The Meaning of Blood in the Sanctuary 6:30:00
24. The Punishment of Us All 6:48:14
25. Back into the Wilderness 7:18:09
26. Bring Rebellion to the Full 7:47:41
27. Chronos No Longer 8:06:34
28. My Beloved Son 8:22:18
29. The Ministry of Reconciliation 8:33:35
30. First Angel's Message 8:48:54
31. Babylon is Fallen 9:06:02
32. A Thankful Heart 9:18:42