Maranatha Media
Author Adrian Ebens
Published Sep 16, 2022
Last Updated Dec 15, 2023
Pages 36
Downloads 711

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Every person in this world has the free choice to give themselves to God and keep His commandments through the grace of Christ or to resist and develop a rebellious character unfit for heaven.

We are in the closing hours of earth’s history. Each decision we take from this point forward is either leading us to eternal life or eternal death. As a man sows, so shall he reap. The wages of sin is death – eternal death and the gift of God is eternal life.

There is no opportunity after this present life to change your character. Today if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts but seek the Lord while He may be found. Now we are to make our calling and election sure for once we die or Jesus comes there will be no more opportunity to change. Our characters will be set forever either for death or for life.