This presentation came together while taking a 20 minute drive to the place where I had to present. I had no idea that this is what I would be talking about.
The connection of the daily and the transgression of desolation described in Daniel 8 as two manifestations of human enmity towards Christ, and that this is what the cleansing of the Sanctuary really means: being cleansed of enmity towards anyone.
The person who shows us the way is Mary, when she poured Spikenard on the feet of Jesus. The reaction to her demonstration of justification by faith – meaning her soul temple was justified, set right, and cleansed caused indignation in the hearts of all the disciples.
This enmity motivated Judas to betray Jesus for exposing enmity through standing up for Mary.
So many layers in this presentation, but I can assure you that this is the first time in which I presented on the subject of the daily that a number in the audience were moved to tears as they heard the message of justification by faith.
May you also be blessed by this most precious message.