Maranatha Media
Author Leandro Pena
Published Oct 14, 2024
Pages 88
Downloads 16

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There is a beautiful promise in the Scriptures that, centuries after it was given, still awaits its fulfillment:

“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, And the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And gross darkness the people: But the Lord shall arise upon thee, And his glory shall be seen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1-2.

1888 is a key year in Adventism history, and the message proclaimed at that time was the beginning of the latter rain. In that message were the first drops of showers of blessing, which would cause the message and the work to spread over the world like fire over the stubble. In that message, the righteousness of Christ was beginning to be presented, that every man might know his own condition, and at the same time know and receive God's ideal for him. What did Jones and Waggoner write in those years? What did they say concerning God, His righteousness, Christ, the great controversy, the glory of God and His character? In this booklet we gather pearls from their writings, which reveal the glory that is yet to shine upon a lost world. A glorious destiny awaits the people of God, and as Christ was glorified by the Father that He might glorify Him, so Christ is to glorify His people just before His second coming that the life of Christ may be revealed in the lives of His followers.

“... Amen; even so, come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20