Maranatha Media

Christ is the Answer - L.C. Naden (1950)

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Added Dec 21, 2010

Christ is the Answer - L.C. Naden (1950)

Many thoughts expressed in this series of radio talks are not original with me. They have been culled from here and there as I have read widely through the years. Somehow, a good thought expressed tersely, is easily assimilated into one’s own vocabulary.
Then, too, if a quotation appears with no due credit given, it is only because its source has long since been forgotten. I pray that as these nine radio talks are presented in book form they might draw many to Him who is the answer to our every need.
“Christ is the answer to my every need,
Christ is the answer, He is my Friend indeed.
Problems of life my spirit may assail
With Christ my Savior I shall never fail,
For Christ is the answer to my need.”