Maranatha Media

Eden to Eden - J.H. Waggoner (1893)

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Added Dec 21, 2010

Eden to Eden - J.H. Waggoner (1893)

One object kept constantly in view, has been to point out the
unity of the Divine plan from the creation. Ever since the fall of man, since the first promise that the seed of the woman should
bruise the head of the serpent, we can see the same ideas and
purposes running through all the revelations of God to man. By
sin, God's government was reproached, the earth was cursed, and
man lost his dominion and his life. The offering of Abel, and all
the offerings of the patriarchal and Levitical ages, looked forward
to the same Gospel truth, that the Son of God would put away
sin by the sacrifice of Himself, and redeem man's lost estate. So
also the prophets spake by the inspiration of the Spirit of Christ.
It has been the object of all revelation, and of all God's dealing
with the children of men, to restore what was lost in the fall, and
to fulfil the original purpose in the creation of the world, and
of man.